Greatest mid-fight adjustment in MMA history?

Whenever I've rolled with pros though they're usually excellent grapplers who are good everywhere. Just seems they can't do it when the stakes are high or it's probably difficult to do it to guys of a similar standard or something.
Yes and for many people experiencing what I've been told is an adrenaline dump, happens pretty often right up until they experience first contact. Meaning being hit or feeling an opponents strength in a tie up. Many feel this and doubt or give up on themselves.
it's actually worse, lots of dudes will consciously STOP doing something that is working. think of how many MMA fights you watched where one guy rocks the other dude and immediately clinches him against the fence or shoots a takedown.

Or they'll land a few body shots in the first round that are clearly affecting the guy and decide, "Eh, I'd rather headhunt" and never go for the body again.
Jones' spinning elbow on Gus in rd4 (I think it was). Until that moment, Gus was winning the fight
As much as a genius Jon is leading into fights with his initial gameplans for opponents, such as that headkick he had planned for DC or attemtping the flying knee to start against Shogun, it's always cool to see him and his team's in cage adjustments.

He was having difficulties with Machida's standup (overblown by fans/haters but still there) and then in between rounds they decided to fake the kick to get Machida to counter like he had been and instead threw an overhand that dropped him and led to the finish. Also the way he grabbed that guillotine instead of going traditional was a great adjustment to lock it up.

He also did his crawl to Vitor that led to Vitor throwing a headkick anyways and Big John(?) shrugging it off pretending like he wouldn't have had to DQ Vitor if it had landed lol. He was wary of standing with Vitor from the start and took him down only to avoid it only to get his arm popped by Vitor. You'd think he'd be forced to stand with Vitor but nope, continues fighting him on the ground and submits him himself with his own arm lock. Must've been a total mindfuck to Vitor.

And people will hate it, but you can't deny he adjusted against Reyes to take back the latter rounds and ultimately win the fight.
Or they'll land a few body shots in the first round that are clearly affecting the guy and decide, "Eh, I'd rather headhunt" and never go for the body again.
People bitch about crowds, but they're pretty good for noticing something significant.

There's been tons of exchanges I think nothing particular of it but the crowd goes wild. Sure enough, one guy starts backing off and shelling up and you realize no, that was a big moment.

Sometimes you just don't realize something's happened and it needs to be pointed out to you.
Khabib was as surprised as anybody landing that KD. That's why he does the backstep little chicken dance when it happens which gives Conor time to get back to his feet and counter Khabib's bullrush with a flush flying knee.


You guys always conveniently cut off the sequence cause like the rest of the fight Conor won the standup. Which isn't a knock against Khabib, but for some reason you think it is.

There was only one round that spent any decent amount of time on the feet. Conor won it sure, but didn't have any big moments and he didn't hurt Khabib. That was the most surprising part. Stylistically he just didnt have anything for Khabib.
There was only one round that spent any decent amount of time on the feet. Conor won it sure, but didn't have any big moments and he didn't hurt Khabib. That was the most surprising part. Stylistically he just didnt have anything for Khabib.
Okay but it's still insane to claim Khabib won the standup in a fight he lost the standup in apart from 1 surprising KD that surprised him just as much as anybody. You can literally see he throws it and was already backing off because he was expecting to get countered. Then actually does get countered when he overzealously rushed in thinking Conor was more hurt than he was cause yeah, Conor's still the better striker. Which is why Khabib eventually shoots and why the 2nd round was spent on the ground. It was his TD, not KD, that led to Khabib winning it 10-8.

You might as well make the equally stupid statement like saying Conor won the grappling because he equally did surprising stuff like defending passes, subs, and escaping out from underneath Khabib, including full mount, multiple times. People were pretty equally shocked that Conor did so well defensively against Khabib on the ground.

Just because they each did surprisingly well in certain moments in each other's domain doesn't change that Conor's the better striker and Khabib's the better grappler. We knew that before the fight, and we knew it afterwards. Turns out Khabib just had the stronger grappling to actually win. It is what it is.
Okay but it's still insane to claim Khabib won the standup in a fight he lost the standup in apart from 1 surprising KD that surprised him just as much as anybody. You can literally see he throws it and was already backing off because he was expecting to get countered. Then actually does get countered when he overzealously rushed in thinking Conor was more hurt than he was cause yeah, Conor's still the better striker. Which is why Khabib eventually shoots and why the 2nd round was spent on the ground. It was his TD, not KD, that led to Khabib winning it 10-8.

You might as well make the equally stupid statement like saying Conor won the grappling because he equally did surprising stuff like defending passes, subs, and escaping out from underneath Khabib, including full mount, multiple times. People were pretty equally shocked that Conor did so well defensively against Khabib on the ground.

Just because they each did surprisingly well in certain moments in each other's domain doesn't change that Conor's the better striker and Khabib's the better grappler. We knew that before the fight, and we knew it afterwards. Turns out Khabib just had the stronger grappling to actually win. It is what it is.

Lol Khabib dropping Conor isn't comparable to Conor barely surviving on the ground. He doesn't get brownie points for surviving to round 4, he was losing every minute of the grappling exchanges. They both won one round of striking, Khabib by throwing the most significant strike of the entire fight and Conor by slightly outpointing him for a round.

The way you talk about fighters you like is way different than the way you talk about the rest. Conor got dominated and embarrassed, you would never stick up this much for a fighter if it happened to someone else.

This is a race for #2

The winner is Stipe DC bodyshots.
The problem with this is that DC had an EXTENSIVE history of weakness to body shots, that had been known for years before the Stipe fight. Jones even called him out on it.

So I have a hard time with crediting Stipe here seeing as he should've been doing it all along. And in the first fight. It took two fights before he realized it? That's pretty dumb actually.

Also he KO'd him with punches to the head, not a bodyshot so it's kinda overblown. They slowed DC down and opened him up to the shot that hurt him sure, but Stipe also could've landed that regardless and DC slows down in champion rounds anyways.
What a dumb post lol
What a dumb post lol
What's dumb is taking 5 rounds and 2 fights to notice that DC has a weakness to body shots.

Even though that had already been shown in the Mir, Silva, and Jones fights, with DC himself even admitting to leaving his head open in order to prioritize protecting his body.

No one's saying it wasn't an effective mid-fight adjustment. It just should've never had to been one in the first place.

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