Economy Greatest Economic Period in American History Has Americans Rethinking American Dream

Sounds better than millionaires and corporations buying homes atleast people will actually live in them, plus it means more work for me getting to build them. And both sides are responsible for our immigration, and one side recently decided to vote against legislation to help with the matter so that Biden wouldn’t get a victory, because they’d rather you suffer than having the other side get a “win”.
The millionaires and corporations are going to buy them up no matter what, if anything, the more people that need housing, the more reason for millionaires and corporations to buy them up. You can build all the houses you want, but will you be able to afford one?
The millionaires and corporations are going to buy them up no matter what, if anything, the more people that need housing, the more reason for millionaires and corporations to buy them up. You can build all the houses you want, but will you be able to afford one?
so you just gonna keep changing the topic or what?
He is right about this. The only way to lower housing prices is with increased supply. Now how do you actually make it happen with how many zoning restriction red tape is blocking building at the local level?

Looks like about 150 million homes in the US. 2 mil more would be 1.3% increase. Housing supply is creeping back up to 9 months which has at least kept the prices more like a plateu last few months rather than continuing to increase.

Turing standalone AirBnB's and VRBOs back into actual livable houses would be helpful to the supply as well. Blocking or liminting short term rentals is a place zoning laws should actually apply, but so many homeowners benefit from limiting the homes in the neighborhood/city they get local politicians to block building.
There have been long periods in very recent history where the federal mortgage rates were much higher and people could still afford homes.

So what factors in the housing market differ now compared with say, the early 90s when rates were even higher.
7% on 200k is 14k less than 7% on 400k? You know how homes doubled in about four years most places? You know how most first time buyers struggled with down payments at 200k?
Plenty of people realized that dream, and felt so scammed that there was literal cultural revolution in the very next decade. And your contention sounds like its spoken from a perch of convenience. I'm of the opinion that in the greatest capitalist/democratic experiment, there shouldnt be such a thing as people forgoing cancer treatments, paying multiple times the average cost of necessary medicines, increasing numbers of homeless while landlords both sit on unused properties and collude to keep values inflated for profitability...where everyone but the Government and those that fund them are still losing anyway.

Just because you think it's cool that some people can find stability among all that crap doesnt mean everyone needs to agree it's better than anything else.
Has there been anything better before? Or should we burn it down, comrade?
Covid and private equity destroyed affordable housing.
Let’s just call it what it is.
That’s the American Dream

All our rights exists as land owners

Occum's razor.

If trillions of dollars are printed the value of the dollar falls HARD. Thus, assets must increase at a proportional rate. If the dollar is worth 50% less houses have to go up 50%.

This is part of the great reset.
I’ve been told there has never been a better economic period in US history than what we are experiencing right now. However, so many Americans can’t even afford a home.

Do you feel like we’re doing well economically? Are you more prosperous than at any point in your life?

I’m curious how Sherdoggers are feeling on the state of the economy.
the economy is the best it's ever been for rich people. it's the worst it's ever been for the middle class and below. that's by design.
Even if people were willing to invest and investing was sustainable and non problematic what they don't tell you is that investing takes a lifetime to pay off if you're starting with a low principal which all non wealthy people are. Your natural life is spent getting that principal up to something that rich people had on day one. The main point of telling the average person to invest is so they feel they have shared economic interests with their oppressors and will be less likely to retaliate.

Thats not really true. It onlt takes an average Joe 15-20 years of consistent investing to build up a nest egg big enough to take care of yourself. If you start young you can be done by your 40s. The catch is that you have to sacrifice in the short term when it comes to buying a home, luxury cars, vacations, ect. You have to be disciplined, live on a budget, and diligently build up your net worth.
If your rich the ecomy is great as your killing in the market . If your an average working Joe it sucks. Wages are stagnant and prices for everything have gone way up along with house/car loan I trest rates. You can twist it to make it look great but on the ground it's far from grest.
Economy is so great that an unprecedented number of people are working 2 jobs to survive.
The economy has been great if you have a shit ton of money invested in the market.

Not so great if your wages have fallen behind the massive uptick in prices and inflation.

People that can't afford housing don't have a shit ton of money invested in the market.

Unrealized inflation market gains are making the chuds feel good about their retirements, lulz...
Let's stop beating around the bush and just say it, Brandon went to war with the oil companies to appease the loony Lefty progressives and it backfired bigly, then he tried to blame it on Putin.

81* million voted to fuck up the United States and the world. Never let them forget.
There’s some good things about the economy. There’s some really bad things going on. People need to get out of this stupid ass team mindset and recognize this if there’s going to be an actual conversation.
So the answer is no.
Whatever you gotta tell yourself, but if I couldn’t (which I can) , it’s not the immigrants that’s are making it harder to. So take your bullshit somewhere else.

In a thread talking about the economy and housing you immediately go to immigrants , which I’m sure has nothing to with some weird prejudice you have at all.
Still, America > basically anywhere else worth living when it comes to housing.


At least for a certain type of person who possesses the requisite degree of competitiveness, initiative, and work ethic to thrive in this system. The "American Dream" is a goal, not a guarantee. It's an opportunity, not an entitlement (and there's plenty enough derived from the Constitution). Nobody is keeping anyone here.
There are plenty of people in the world who flee economically capitalist Countries for ones that are MORE socialist, in fact much of far right Europeans are using xenophobia to attempt to secure power based on that very fact. Its folly to argue "no one is going to socialist Countries" while vaguely gesturing at political refugees considering that there only like 7 Countries remotely considered communist or socialist and none of them claim to actually have achieved either.

And diminishing the people who suffer under capitalism is a comically misguided position to take. It stinks of the perch of convenience of living in an imperialist Country for whom the only detriment of its imperialist behavior is now possibly having to pay market price for products, fuel, or having to live next to people from the Countries destroyed by capitalist pursuits. Its hilarious that you would mention refugees earlier without mentioning how their Countries got destroyed. The destabilization that caused my Father's Family to flee a SECOND entire Country, was done on behalf of the United Fruit Company, so Americans could have cheaper bananas, sugar cane, and coffee. Within 2 decades that Country was known for radical polarized death squads, and it has never recovered.

But hey I'm sure you'd have a lot to say to them about how the flavor of racism and poverty thei experienced here was like...designer racism and poverty, because at least their own people weren't trying to kill them!

Lastly, I dont recall arguing for a specific system. See unlike you I dont need to draw lines in the sand to feel comfortable about where I live, or my political perspectives. I am skeptical of capitalism because it's been at the root of almost every major World conflict once you get past all the religious nuttery and arent blinded by racist/xenophobic grievances. I'm not fully closed to the idea of market economics, and if you had paid a little attention to discussions I've had with other leftists (who tend not to have better solutions themselves other than an idealized barter system, or who are okay with authoritarian socialism...which I'm NOT), you'd have known that already.

What I do know is it's a measured fact that the more diverse US Society has gotten, the more the majority demographic has consistently voted down social programs. Voted for someone who dismantled free college, and are currently against forgiving student debt despite that it would do WONDERS for the economy and bolster struggling markets (people cannot spend what they do not have), voted against Medicare/Medicaid expansion to single childless adults (the most in need would be minorities), drummed up the political imagery of the "welfare queen (I'm not gonna even ask what race you think that welfare queen is), want to defund public schools, are in favor of privatized prisons who farm out labor, and they're perfectly willing to do this WHILE paying 2-4x the prices for goods while corporations post record profits, push for further cutting of their taxes, rolling back of child labor laws, are capturing local resources (water) and markets (real estate)...and people who think like you are perfectly willing to vote out the kinds of people willing to fight them over this because you hate the idea of more Spanish-speaking brown people coming here.

Sounds amazing Bro.
As you say really some of the most strongly capitalist countries on earth can be poorer states, the preffered state of much of Latin America for the US has always been countries with little or nothing in the way of social programs which give free reign to US big business. By that standard even today the US is a more socialist nation and many European states are also far more socialist than the nations much of their non EU immigrants come from.

Just in terms of "The American Dream" I would argue today what's sold is often a right wing fantasy which has very little to do with whats actually happened in the last 120 years or more. The whole idea of "The American Dream" really didnt exist much by the early 20th century, the idea of settler immigrants getting free land of any great quality had long vanished and what you mostly had was people fleeing extreme poverty in places like Italy to face just slightly better poverty in the US.

The whole idea of the American Dream which exists today was really revived by the countries more socialists tendencies post FDR were inequality did drop greatly and social mobility increased. Really though thats been under attack by ultra wealth ever since and the Reaganite idea of "The American Dream" has just been progressively shifting the nation(and much of the western world) back to the Robbery Baron era.
Whatever you gotta tell yourself, but if I couldn’t (which I can) , it’s not the immigrants that’s are making it harder to. So take your bullshit somewhere else.

In a thread talking about the economy and housing you immediately go to immigrants , which I’m sure has nothing to with some weird prejudice you have at all.
Immigrants are people who go through a legal process, like myself. So I must be prejudiced against myself?
What you guys have are invaders bum rushing your border. Keep telling yourself whatever you need but the fact is the illegals are coming in at a faster rate then homes being built, but that WoN't afFecT HoLme pRicEs or cause bidding wars.

At least for a certain type of person who possesses the requisite degree of competitiveness, initiative, and work ethic to thrive in this system. The "American Dream" is a goal, not a guarantee. It's an opportunity, not an entitlement (and there's plenty enough derived from the Constitution). Nobody is keeping anyone here.

Well said. Hence why I consider the US the greatest nation on the planet. If you have the drive and ability, it's the A Legaue for thriving. If you're a complacent / mediocre person, it's still good but you're not really built to thrive. If you're bottom 50% level, sucks to be you