Grammy's viewership drops 53% from 2020 ceremony

The pandemic keeps people inside their homes, rather than out and about living their lives. It seems to me the Grammy's should have gotten a boost this year, seeing as how everyone is stuck at home watching TV.
Says the guy who’s had dozens of threads started about his own stupidity.
Yeah, no. It’s people like you not being able to handle reality and shills taking down the one smarter than they are. You mean a bunch of older people that act like kids get excited smelling their farts and talking about daddy? Yeah, it’s cute.
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Music used to be so good...
The pandemic keeps people inside their homes, rather than out and about living their lives. It seems to me the Grammy's should have gotten a boost this year, seeing as how everyone is stuck at home watching TV.

You think people who have been stuck in zoom meetings and daily FaceTimes for the last year want to turn on their TV and watch folks have more zoom meetings? C’mon man.
Yeah, no. It’s people like you not being able to handle reality and shills taking down the one smarter than they are. You mean a bunch of older people that act like kids get excited smelling their farts and talk about daddy? Yeah, it’s cute.
Seriously, every one of your posts just scream of your own insecurity. You talk non-stop about other people’s intelligence because your own is lacking and deep down you know it. Keep throwing stones though, at least you have your Sherdog fan fiction writing to fall back on.
The pandemic keeps people inside their homes, rather than out and about living their lives. It seems to me the Grammy's should have gotten a boost this year, seeing as how everyone is stuck at home watching TV.

Yes the pandemic should have brought the ratings up. But I think the way the show is presented now is a big turn off. It's like the golden globes, no one cared to watch that as well I believe. It's just not pleasing to the eyes watching people talk through Zoom and receiving their award that way. I don't know, I usually watch the awards seasons, but I don't find the format pleasing at all. So I haven't watched anything at all this year so far.
The pandemic keeps people inside their homes, rather than out and about living their lives. It seems to me the Grammy's should have gotten a boost this year, seeing as how everyone is stuck at home watching TV.

In fairness, most everything has dropped during the pandemic. It doesn't make much sense to me either, but there's gotta be something to it. There's also something to these events becoming nothing more than a woke lecture, which has turned off a lot of their core audience(white people).
Numbers been dropping for a long time now. It's because of a culture war mostly. This was an election year, so whitey is extra pissed right now. The last thing whitey wants to see is a few hours of minorities being praised for shitty music while being educated as to why white people suck.

Just a guess

cord cutting has been dropping network television ratings across the board for the last decade plus. The NFL was experiencing this long before any kneeling and post kneeling actually had less of a drop in ratings than any other sports including ones they didn’t protest. Proof this is not accurate.
The pandemic keeps people inside their homes, rather than out and about living their lives. It seems to me the Grammy's should have gotten a boost this year, seeing as how everyone is stuck at home watching TV.

Doesn't make much sense to me.

Grammy ratings have been going down since before the pandemic.

I think people are just fed up with how shit and arbitrary the award ceremony has become.

Also this kind of scheduled content just isn't as popular anymore. People would rather watch what they want when they want on netflix.
Some of it is that it's absolute shit. Some is that people don't want to be preached to about social causes.

But some is also because people are ever more cutting cords and getting the exact programming they want via streaming services. Where in the past someone might have watched the Grammy's (or Super Bowl, or whatever) because "Well there's nothing else in I really want to watch", now they can watch whatever they want whenever they want.

So someone with a very mild interest in the Grammys who may have watched 5 years ago is now super into binge watching Dexter or Kingdom or True Detective. (Okay those of us who loved Kingdom would never give a shit about the Grammys but you get the point).
Some of it is that it's absolute shit. Some is that people don't want to be preached to about social causes.

But some is also because people are ever more cutting cords and getting the exact programming they want via streaming services. Where in the past someone might have watched the Grammy's (or Super Bowl, or whatever) because "Well there's nothing else in I really want to watch", now they can watch whatever they want whenever they want.

So someone with a very mild interest in the Grammys who may have watched 5 years ago is now super into binge watching Dexter or Kingdom or True Detective. (Okay those of us who loved Kingdom would never give a shit about the Grammys but you get the point).

These type of events have always been cringey preach fests. People just have less time and other (better) shit to watch that fits better into their schedule.
Hello I am also here like you fine gentleman to use the ratings of an awards show to declare a massive culture war victory on people I dislike over the most travelled day since before the Pandemic

Burn in hell sing songers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bet they don't even luv the anthem like me! Off to ride my motorbike without a helmet like a real man and let everyone at the bar know how much the grammys fucking sucked and nobody cares about them.
This is a mayberry thread.

Wtf is it in the WR?
Hello I am also here like you fine gentleman to use the ratings of an awards show to declare a massive culture war victory on people I dislike over the most travelled day since before the Pandemic

Burn in hell sing songers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bet they don't even luv the anthem like me! Off to ride my motorbike without a helmet like a real man and let everyone at the bar know how much the grammys fucking sucked and nobody cares about them.

You should try a little harder. You're not quite at your usual peak cringe level.
Huh, what could have happened in the last year that would make an awards event that’s based on gathering the biggest artists in one place in person less popular? Gee I don’t know!
I know buddy. With nobody stuck in their homes due to the pandemic, how could people find the time to turn on the TV?
I watched the whole thing without blinking.
You should try a little harder. You're not quite at your usual peak cringe level.
Literally the only person in this thread to source an actual argument within, while you continue to metabolize as a human wart with nothing to add.