Gracie Diet?

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It's based on the late 80s/early 90s Suzanne Somers (sp?) food combining myths (note this is not the same as the more modern fat/carb/prot combining methodology). It's bunk.
zdrax said:
It's based on the late 80s/early 90s Suzanne Somers (sp?) food combining myths (note this is not the same as the more modern fat/carb/prot combining methodology). It's bunk.
Man you're way off...sorry,
Carlos Gracie developed their diet nearly 60 years ago.
Dr. Pedro Velente Sr. uses their diet for re-habbing patients. Most of the family eats this way.
They have for years, and you think they based it on Suzanne Summers? lol
Bunk? Helio gracie has used this diet for most of his life and he is now 92. Carlos died at 96.
sambo fighter said:
dont they just eat a bunch of fruit and veggies?
It's not that simple. It's based on eating foods in certain combinatons so that it keeps your blood PH levels nuetral. They eat protein from fish and chicken as well. You just don't combo 2 or more carbs together, like corn and pasta in the same meal. Among other certain guidlines.
ground force said:
It's not that simple. It's based on eating foods in certain combinatons so that it keeps your blood PH levels nuetral. They eat protein from fish and chicken as well. You just don't combo 2 or more carbs together, like corn and pasta in the same meal. Among other certain guidlines.

sounds interesting.. all i know about food combining is that carbs and fats should go together., and that proteins should be separate.. digestion is optimized this way and a meal that usually takes 5-6 hrs to digest (if combined improperly) will only take 1-2 :wink:

one of the many sources i read this from is from randy couture's "light force greens" website...
I found this on Royce's webpage. What do you guys think? Good diet, bullshit or need more info?

The Gracie Diet

The Gracies have spent almost the entire 20th century fighting. They have never been able to afford, on the day of a fight, to be sick or not prepared. Fortunately, Carlos Gracie, the patriarch of the family and the man behind the clans philosophy, found a solution to this problem. Carlos developed a diet based on three concepts: not poisoning the body, taking care of it and respecting, in one meal, the adequate chemical combination of different types of food. During his youth, Carlos Gracie ate about everything, and his sensitive organism quickly reacted to such abuse. It didn't take long for him to develop serious health problems. Everything changed, though, when he read an excerpt form the great philosopher Hippocrates ("Let your food be your remedy"), and began to dedicate himself to studying various eating methods, taking harmful foods away from his organism and his menu. He also noticed, just like a farmer who controls the soils PH before planting the seeds, that the bloods PH is a key element during the digestive process and that it must be kept neutral, which helps the transformation of the food. He observed, then, that a certain combination of foods kept the blood neutral, as opposed to some mixtures that made it acid or alkaline. He brought all his study together and created the eating method known as the Gracie Diet, which went through a careful research and was developed throughout the years, consuming most of the last 50 years of his life.

The diet is composed of several food tables divided in the following groups:

* Group A: Animal protein, fats and oils, and vegetables.
* Group B: Cereals.
* Group C: Sweet fruits.
* Group D: Acid foods (in majority fruits).

General guide lines of the diet:

*Foods from group A combine with each other and with one of group B.
*Foods from group C combine with each other and with one of group B.
*Foods from group B do not combine with each other.
*Foods from group D can only be consumed individually.
*Banana and milk are not included in any of the groups since they have chemical combinations of their own.
Group A- Foods that Combine With Each Other Plus One of Group B:

Almond, Artichoke, Asparagus, Avocado, Beets-red, Brazil nuts, Broccoli, Butter, Cabbage, Carrots, Cashews, Cauliflower, Celery, Chicken, Cocoa, Coconut-dried, Corn on the cob, Crab meat, Crabs, Cucumber, Eggplant, Eggs, Endive, Fats-oils, Fish, French beans, Garlic, Green beans, Green Mustard, Green Onions, Green peppers, Hazelnuts, Leeks, Lettuce, Lobster, Meats, Mushrooms, Mussels, Octopus, Olives, Olive Oil, Onion, Oregano, Oysters, Parsley, Peanuts, Peas, Pumpkin, Radishes, Savoy Cabbage, Sesame, Shellfish, Shrimp, Spinach, Squid, Thistle, Tomatoes, Turnip and Walnuts.

Group B- Foods That Do Not Combine With One Another:

Barley, Breadfruit, Chestnuts, Chick peas, Corn flour, Corn-dried, Dried beans, Dried peas, Flower of mandic, all starches and Flour, Oats, Pearl barley, Potato, Rice, Rye, Soybean, Wheat, Macaroni and Lentils.
Group C- Foods That Combine With Each Other Plus One of Group B, Not Prepared in Fat:

Apples, Bananas, Cream Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Persimmons, Plums, Dates, Grapes, Guava, Honey, Jaca fruit, Melons, Watermelon, Papaya, Pears, Prunes, Coconuts, Ricotta Cheese, Figs, Raisins, Sugar cane, Syrups, Teas of leaves, Lemon peel, Black/herb tea and Coffee/decaf.
Group D- Foods That Do Not Combine With Each Other Or Anything Else:

Apple-Acidic, Apricot, Blackberries, Cider, Cherry, Currants, Curdled milk, Grapes-acid, Grapefruit, Lemon, Loquat, Yogurt, Mango, Peach, Pear-acidic, Plums- acidic, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Orange, Quince, Raspberry, Strawberry, Tangerine and Kefir.

Combines with: Apples, Cheese, Cream-fresh, Figs-fresh, Grapes-Moschatel, Melons-sweet, Watermelon, Sweet Pears, Prunes-Sweet, Persimmon and all other sweet fruits when fresh.

Does not combine with:

Avocado, Butter, Dried fruits, Honey, Olive Oil, Oil + Sugar, Sugar Cane, Syrup/Juice, Syrups and Oils and fat in General (Group B)


Combines With: All of Group B, Banana raw or baked, Saccharin or similar, Cooked Yolk, Milk derivatives (no curdled milk), Kefir and Yogurt

Does not combine with:

All of group A, fruits in general, Egg Whites, Meats, Oily fruits, Olives, Sugar in general, Oils and Fats.

*Egg yolk (raw or cooked), Coconut, Coffee, Brewers yeast, and many varieties of teas are compatible with any food, for they are considered neutral.
*Avoid: Sweets, Canned goods, Black pepper, Clove, Cinnamon, Mustard, Pickled foods and Vinegar.
*Never eat: Pork and derivatives.
*Bread: to be less fermentable, shall be made out of pure or natural flour and eaten 24 hours after baked. Also, it should be eaten as toast or oven warmed.
*No Alcoholic beverages.
*Not smoking.


*Drinking a glass of water when you get up and before you go to sleep.

Important: In order to avoid a chemical conflict, it is essential that meals are at least 4 ? hours apart. Do not eat anything between meals.
I think this diet makes a lot of sense. Rickson eats this way and look at him.
ground force said:
It's not that simple. It's based on eating foods in certain combinatons so that it keeps your blood PH levels nuetral. They eat protein from fish and chicken as well. You just don't combo 2 or more carbs together, like corn and pasta in the same meal. Among other certain guidlines.

ground force said:
It's not that simple. It's based on eating foods in certain combinatons so that it keeps your blood PH levels nuetral. They eat protein from fish and chicken as well. You just don't combo 2 or more carbs together, like corn and pasta in the same meal. Among other certain guidlines.

LOL @ the idea that you can alter blood PH levels majorly by what you eat. Blood PH levels are afected more by physical activity (exercise induced acidosis) than by anything you put in your mouth. By the time the nutrients get to your bloodstream, your body has placed them in a neutral solution already.The goblet cells in your stomach secrete hydrochloric acid. Your stomach is totally acidic to begin with. The acid in your stomach is neutralized by the pancreatic juices which are alkaline.

If you really wanted to keep your blood PH level neutral(and this is assuming that you could alter your levels significantly to begin with), you would eat acidic foods like fruits WITH basic foods, so as to maintain PH level. eating acidic fruits by themselves makes no sense at all if you're trying to maintain neutral levels.

Survey says "its bunk", just used to sell some more stuff off the Gracie name.

Who cares who uses it. I knew a gay alcoholic that lived to be 98. That doesn't mean that we should all do that. Ever think that its their genetics and exercise that keeps them healthy into old age?
eljamaiquino said:
LOL @ the idea that you can alter blood PH levels majorly by what you eat. Blood PH levels are afected more by physical activity (exercise induced acidosis) than by anything you put in your mouth. By the time the nutrients get to your bloodstream, your body has placed them in a neutral solution already.The goblet cells in your stomach secrete hydrochloric acid. Your stomach is totally acidic to begin with. The acid in your stomach is neutralized by the pancreatic juices which are alkaline.

If you really wanted to keep your blood PH level neutral(and this is assuming that you could alter your levels significantly to begin with), you would eat acidic foods like fruits WITH basic foods, so as to maintain PH level. eating acidic fruits by themselves makes no sense at all if you're trying to maintain neutral levels.

Survey says "its bunk", just used to sell some more stuff off the Gracie name.

Who cares who uses it. I knew a gay alcoholic that lived to be 98. That doesn't mean that we should all do that. Ever think that its their genetics and exercise that keeps them healthy into old age?
so I guess this means you didn't try it? hmmm, do you think Carlos Gracie studied this for half his life just so that they could merchandise? I don't know. I know they all swear by it though. just curious, not being deffensive. You have some valid points.
ground force said:
so I guess this means you didn't try it? hmmm, do you think Carlos Gracie studied this for half his life just so that they could merchandise? I don't know. I know they all swear by it though. just curious, not being deffensive. You have some valid points.

I'll learn submissions from the Gracies; diets from dieticians.
ground force said:
so I guess this means you didn't try it? hmmm, do you think Carlos Gracie studied this for half his life just so that they could merchandise? I don't know. I know they all swear by it though. just curious, not being deffensive. You have some valid points.

Carlos Gracie took time of BJJ to study diet and nutrition, did he? Did he run double blind tests on multiple subjects? This diet has as much proof as the Atkins diet, actually probably less. If you want to entrust your digestive system and health to some guy from Brazil with NO training in nutrition, be my guest.

I'm sure they all swear by it, just like they swear that their style of fighting is the best. What would you expect? Bottom line, even if you could affect blood PH significantly by your diet, their combos would be wrong anyways....
eljamaiquino said:
Carlos Gracie took time of BJJ to study diet and nutrition, did he? Did he run double blind tests on multiple subjects? This diet has as much proof as the Atkins diet, actually probably less. If you want to entrust your digestive system and health to some guy from Brazil with NO training in nutrition, be my guest.

I'm sure they all swear by it, just like they swear that their style of fighting is the best. What would you expect? Bottom line, even if you could affect blood PH significantly by your diet, their combos would be wrong anyways....
Is there a diet of anyones in particular that you do recommend?
The Gracie Diet looks fine to me. Its got its idiosyncrasies. But if you need to lose weight, then just about any reasonable diet and exercise will get it done. If you're overweight and unhealthy, then you probably know why. And it ain't because you mix your cereals or drink milk when you eat fruit.
I heard it was something that is supposed to help your imune system so that they wouldn't get sick before a fight
gamesta said:
I heard it was something that is supposed to help your imune system so that they wouldn't get sick before a fight

I think you misread the first paragraph of sambo fighter's post and tried to pass it off as knowledge of your own.
GracieMMABarra said:
I think rickson actually has a PHd in nutrition but i could be wrong

I REALLY doubt that he had the time to pursue a PHd/PhD in anything... too busy beating up shitty Japanese fighters and random clowns at the Copacabana.
That diet sounds totally logic to me. People who take the lifestyle of BJJ seriously could benefit a lot from following a plan like that one.

Its just a simple way to eat clean and healthy from what I have read of it. I will do a bit of good research on the Gracie diet, try it out and post my results here.

Nutrition plays a HUGE part on the way we age and just look at how good Helio looks nowadays. I also find logic in what he says about coffee, smoking and wasting energy on sex. It did make total sense to me hearing it from a guy like Helio who is 93 and could probably kill half of the posters on Sherdog.
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