Gotta love Jon Jones' wikipedia page

Bones was found totally innocent by USADA an cooperates with authorities to ensure a clean sports bec as use he cares about integrity. Wake up
I will hold you to that.

Joe Rogan
"I don't think Jones took steroids."
"I don't think Jones knowingly took steroids."
"I don't think the steroids made Jones better."
Jones swore on his heavenly father that he was innocent. Good enough for me.
Aww sweetheart I hit a nerve. If you must know our lord and savior Jesus Christ does.
No, it's a real question. You acted as though someone should care if you want them around. Why would anyone give a shit about you?
Yes. If Jones doesn't show up looking like a zombie and get destroyed by Gustaffson, I'm going to stop watching the UFC. I can't countenance having that piece of shit actively fighting.
might as well stop watching now because Bones is gonna stop Gus inside the distance.
And to think that in other thread some idiots try to convince me that USADA is an absolutely professional and unbiased organization...
It just seems weird that the UFC would hire an organization to test there fighters, then sabotage said organization to protect the fighters. Jon’s career (and several UFC paydays) were derailed from USADA. It seems odd, at least to me, that ppl think Jon’s getting helped by the UFC or USADA to avoid getting popped. If that’s the case, they’re doing a bang up job of it.
No, it's a real question. You acted as though someone should care if you want them around. Why would anyone give a shit about you?

Lol acted? There’s no deep psychological meaning to me saying “cool, you won’t be missed” If someone important in your life left you as a child Sherdog isn’t the place to try and get help. If you really need it and want a hug let me know I can send someone for you. Xoxo.
If he beats Gus and then DC will this be partially forgiven?

It's funny you say that. I was just remembering that it seemed the tide against JJ didn't come close to turning (no matter what he did) until people's fight entertainment was being interfered with then the dog turned.

Don't get me wrong I dispise people like him but I don't think it will take much for the water to change direction....again.
It's funny you say that. I was just remembering that it seemed the tide against JJ didn't come close to turning (no matter what he did) until people's fight entertainment was being interfered with then the dog turned.

Don't get me wrong I dispise people like him but I don't think it will take much for the water to change direction....again.

I'm forgiving Jones because he exposed USADA as the corrupt plausible deniability UFC's pet that anybody with a brain suspected it was.

I'm ready to watch the GOAT fight.

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