got my first legit tap


Brown Belt
Dec 18, 2003
Reaction score
I started BJJ 2 months ago and ofcourse been gettin my ass kicked nicely.
It's fun to see how much im improving though because im rolling with people that used to utterly kick my ass and now im actually hanging in there with them, learning where to and not to put my hands, etc.

well I was rolling with this guy who has been training for about 7 months today and I almost submitted him twice but he got out, then got the over/under from the back and used a technique that marcelo garcia uses that our instructor taught us. It's basically a trap you set with the way you grip the over/under and the guy fell for it . then I got the choke.

to some of you this might not be a big deal but after getting my ass handed to me for 2 months(and still getting it handed to me), it feels nice to setup a submission and actually get it. BJJ was sorta discouraging at first but now im starting to understand the very basics of the positions and the techniques so it's gettin a much more fun.
i know how you feel, been training for about a month now and when i got my first real tap it was teh shit
Cool, good luck. In our open mats, I can hold my own against most of the whitebelts there. Some of the yellow belts (we use Judo progression w/ heavy BJJ influence) I can tap. It is fun to tap someone that has been handing you your ass.
got my first tap after 2 weeks with a kimura, i fucking loved it he tapped 3 times after that tho to knock me back a few notches again, congrats anyway!
I still love to tap people!

Next is the first time you tap a blue belt or win a competition.
FutureBxer said:
I started BJJ 2 months ago and ofcourse been gettin my ass kicked nicely.
It's fun to see how much im improving though because im rolling with people that used to utterly kick my ass and now im actually hanging in there with them, learning where to and not to put my hands, etc.

well I was rolling with this guy who has been training for about 7 months today and I almost submitted him twice but he got out, then got the over/under from the back and used a technique that marcelo garcia uses that our instructor taught us. It's basically a trap you set with the way you grip the over/under and the guy fell for it . then I got the choke.

to some of you this might not be a big deal but after getting my ass handed to me for 2 months(and still getting it handed to me), it feels nice to setup a submission and actually get it. BJJ was sorta discouraging at first but now im starting to understand the very basics of the positions and the techniques so it's gettin a much more fun.

My first tap was a guillotine, kinda cheesy but it worked. It felt so good to get my first legitimate tap. I agree with Wax my next step is to tap a blue belt, I have a feeling that wont be for a while but I going to keep at it.
I remember my first tap (not counting a girl I rolled with). It was a triangle and the guy was a lot bigger than me but not very atheletic. It's a good feeling. It took all the willpower I had not to run around the mat and celebrate like Chuck Liddel. :)
whenever i'm about to secure a submission in rolling, the guy i'm rolling with just stops and lets me finish it and starts giving pointers and shit. i get all excited i'm going to get the tap and then it's magically like he gave it to me. this happened 2-3 times wednesday. really took the steam out.

someday, the clean tap will come. aiming for woody after eric or someone tires him well enough.
vanguard_anon said:
I remember my first tap (not counting a girl I rolled with). It was a triangle and the guy with a lot bigger than me but not very atheletic. It's a good feeling. It took all the willpower I had not to run around the mat and celebrate like Chuck Liddel. :)

haha i did that:) . wasnt my first tap , but it was a guy who had a year or 2 exp on me and like 10 kgs, and when uv only been rolling for a year thats a lot. so yeh i wanted to tap him and i eventually caught him in an armbar from the bottom . ppl looked at me funny and ppl let me get a tap or 2 jus 2 see if id spaz out again .

congrads !
Congrats man. My first tap was a douuble armbarr from my back. I shit my pants cuz he gave it to me.
Oh..I remember my first tap with fond memories..a RNC I belive..Congrats
My first tap was a quickstyle arm bar on a guy who had been training for 2yrs. (I did some wrestling before hand so I kind've have a set ground game). Anyways I took mount and acted like I was going for a kimura, but I just turned the arm and sat back on it when I felt him trying to roll away.

I got up and screamed "YES FIRST TAP BITCHES!!! YEAH!!"

he must've been pretty embarassed cause I had only been training for like a month n a few weeks; I don't think he likes me all too much. *shrugs*
Congrats man. I remember, not even my first tap out, but how excited I was the first time I recognized the move my opponent was going for. He probably tapped me with it, but I felt great that I could feel it first.

First tap is great. Mine took me about 5 months. It was a near side arm bar from side guard. He rolled me but I kept in on.

That is why I love this A) Game, B) Art, C) Sport, D) All of the above, E) Other.
FutureBxer said:
BJJ was sorta discouraging at first
Yeah, BJJ has a tendancy of weeding out guys who won't make the cut.