Got my blue


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May 24, 2004
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I know the board is crowded with these belt posts, but I just got my blue from John Machado, so I thought I'd add one more. Now it's really time to start learning. :wink:
yeah.. blue just means the whites are trying to kill. and the veteran blues are trying to show you dont deserve it..
Like fresh meat to the sharks.

Crats bro.. Enjoy the ass beatings.
Gsoares2 said:
yeah.. blue just means the whites are trying to kill. and the veteran blues are trying to show you dont deserve it..
Like fresh meat to the sharks.

Crats bro.. Enjoy the ass beatings.

Thanks man. I know you just got your blue as well. Now's the time to start ramping up the skills.
Good job!
Think back to when you started and how many people have dropped out before getting to where you are now.
Settle in to blue for a while and enjoy the new challenges (like all the whites trying to tap a blue, and the purples trying to keep you down).
Zankou said:
Thanks man. I know you just got your blue as well. Now's the time to start ramping up the skills.

Ha i know.. trying to ramp the skills but still just getting pummeled by vet blues and purples.
Atleast now i put some pummeling down on exceling whites.
The blue dye makes the belt heavier. Or so it seems.
Congratulations -- it's nice to attain that reward. It's important to get that encouragement to keep on going.

Now go train jiu-jitsu!
awesome i wih I cud get a blue someday. we'll see my friend. keep taping those bitches
Congratulations! I hope to get my blue belt in like a year or a bit less.
Thanks!!! :D

It took me a little over 5 months -- I trained as hard as I could, got *tons* of advice and training from great blues and purples at my school, and paid close attention to good instructionals (including these boards). Plus I came in already in real good condition from boxing, so that helped a lot.

Purple seems like an insurmountable amount to learn though -- years and years away. I feel like all I did in making it to blue is gained a rudimentary understanding of what I'm supposed to start learning.
Zankou said:
Thanks!!! :D

It took me a little over 5 months -- I trained as hard as I could, got *tons* of advice and training from great blues and purples at my school, and paid close attention to good instructionals (including these boards). Plus I came in already in real good condition from boxing, so that helped a lot.

Purple seems like an insurmountable amount to learn though -- years and years away. I feel like all I did in making it to blue is gained a rudimentary understanding of what I'm supposed to start learning.

In 5 months that probly about all you did learn.

What kind of test do you do to get a blue belt? Do you just grapple and if you do well enough do you get one or is there more to it? I'm only a white belt and I would like to know the process of getting to the next step.
Headache said:

What kind of test do you do to get a blue belt? Do you just grapple and if you do well enough do you get one or is there more to it? I'm only a white belt and I would like to know the process of getting to the next step.

Different at different schools. Some have tests, some just hand it to you.
5 months is very quick by most standards. I've never seen anyone get blue in less than 1 year at my school.
I was not questioning the time it took him, I wanted to know what you do in the test itself.