Got a rediculous amount of weigh to lose.


Orange Belt
May 10, 2008
Reaction score
So - I've trained my whole life, and I took a year off after hurting my back in a submission grappling match. In my time off I got incredibly fat and happy, but obviously all that has gotta go. I was planning on taking a fight toward the end of the summer, which meant that I'd have to lose a few pounds a week and I'd be able to at least make weight. That was working perfectly until I was offered a fight in 6 weeks, and it looks like I'll be taking it. That means I've got about 50 pounds to lose in that amount of time. I know I can do it, I've lost a lot of weight in a little amount of time before. If anyone here has lost that kind of weight in that little time before I'd love to hear your input. If anyone would like to make fun of me for becomming a disguisting fat-body - that's welcome too. I guess we'll see what happens.
Whats your stats? Height weight BF% What weight are you fighting at? Kind of leaving out all the important facts here. :D
I am not experienced with cutting, but would you become really weak with losing that kind of weight in that amount of time?
Dude, no. Don't take a fight 6 weeks from now when you're not even close to your target weight. That's just stupid beyond words.
50 pounds in 6 weeks...LOL. Cancel it dude. Even if you somehow managed to do that - you wouldn't last at all. And don't turn this into motivation to "prove them wrong", take it as serious health advice - because that's what it is.
50 pounds in 6 weeks...LOL. Cancel it dude. Even if you somehow managed to do that - you wouldn't last at all. And don't turn this into motivation to "prove them wrong", take it as serious health advice - because that's what it is.

I retract my previous statement.

Dude, you can totally drop the weight in time. Be sure to stop drinking water for a week or so, don't want to retain any that could possibly tip the scale!
coming off a back injury and a training lay off, i really dont think its a good idea for u to take the fight. the 50 pounds in 6 weeks is just an added reason.

i guess the only way would be to eat only vegetables and chicken and very little of it and train cardio like a madman. but that doesnt mean u should do it
Well, when I was in really good shape, I weighed about 240. At my worst I balooned up to 345, and am down to about 313. I've gotta make 265. I'm not saying this is smart, but, everyone outside this forum says stepping in a cage to fight someone is crazy. Be weak? Probably. Is it stupid? Yeah. Am I smart enough to take the intelligent advice that you're all giving me? God no.
....I've lost a lot of weight in a little amount of time before. If anyone here has lost that kind of weight in that little time before I'd love to hear your input. If anyone would like to make fun of me for becomming a disguisting fat-body - that's welcome too. I guess we'll see what happens.

So do what you did last time.

50 pounds in 6 weeks, stop eating drink water for 4 weeks then after that stop eating and drinking, try to survive until you step on the scale its only 2 weeks.

It will be hard to train in that window but this would be the only way i could see you cutting that type of weight in that amount of time.

Ps- im being a jackass, dont take the fight.. :icon_sad:
Well, when I was in really good shape, I weighed about 240. At my worst I balooned up to 345, and am down to about 313. I've gotta make 265. I'm not saying this is smart, but, everyone outside this forum says stepping in a cage to fight someone is crazy. Be weak? Probably. Is it stupid? Yeah. Am I smart enough to take the intelligent advice that you're all giving me? God no.

Haha. Good luck, let us know how it goes!
Oh, I'm sure I'll drag my dumb worn-out ass on here every now again and give things a good update.
Well right here is a prime example of why I'm not a fan of HW fights unless its top tier guys. Just way too many HWs not staying in remotely decent shape. Im not trying to single you out but its just a problem in general. Even in a top organization like the UFC you see these HWs come in with their bellies flopping around and gassing. Lower level HW fights are usually just awful because the raw talent isn't there to begin with on top of the guys being out of shape.
Don't try it man. You won't be able to lose 50 lbs. in 6 weeks, and, if by some crazy miracle you are able to, you will definitely have dropped so much muscle in the process that you will get mashed in your match. Sorry man. Good luck in the future.
Not to mention the fact that being severely dehydrated and malnourished will seriously increase the risk of severe trauma, brain damage, or even death in your fight.

But hey, you know best, you'll show them all! :rolleyes:
Well seeing how big you are, it might not be IMPOSSIBLE, but it will leave you in no shape to fight anyone. You'll probably end up with some extra folds of skin that won't go away too...from losing weight too quickly. Not the biggest concern I guess, but it certainly wont make you look like someone who should be in a cage match.
50lbs in 6 weeks? .. not exactly health. But .. I suppose it can be done. I lost 30lbs in 1 month while training in Thailand however, I did end up getting pretty sick as my immune system became very weak.

It's said to aim for a max. 2lbs per week loss .. but hey, you seem to have your mind set.

You're really going to have to keep track of everything you're putting into your body so I'd recommend using some nutrient-calculation software ..

.. that might make things a little easier ..

Still, I wouldn't recommend what you're doing ..
Well, when I was in really good shape, I weighed about 240. At my worst I balooned up to 345, and am down to about 313. I've gotta make 265. I'm not saying this is smart, but, everyone outside this forum says stepping in a cage to fight someone is crazy. Be weak? Probably. Is it stupid? Yeah. Am I smart enough to take the intelligent advice that you're all giving me? God no.

LOL, that sounds as stubborn as me (but I generally don't have to cut weight, my fitness usually waines :icon_cry2).

My 2 cents worth. You'd probably make the weight, but training hard and having sub maintenance calories don't go together. So you'll go in there at the right weight, but you'll be fucked whereas you opponent and will have superior strength and cardio.

Being stubborn doesn't make up for such things I'm afraid

I lose weight quicker than anyone I know. Conversely I also get fatter, faster.

You can most definitely do it, but making weight and competing at any type of a high level will be very hard.

If no one can talk you out of doing it:

1) Get yourself a good multivitamin. With the amount of calories you'll be forced to cut you will need this.

2) Your diet should mainly comprise of protein. Carbs should be kept very low. Your body can convert fat to energy, that's what it's there for (or was there for in the hunting and gathering days). I'm thinking to cut that much weight, protein shakes 4-6 during the day, with little to no solid food until the evening. If you need something crunchy, celery will be your friend. Dinner will be your main meal now and it must be large, chicken breasts on a bed of greens, some green peppers etc. I find that dinner being the big meal leaves you something to look forward to at the end of a brutal day of diet and training. It won't seem like a big deal the first week or two, but at week 4 when you're run down, beat up and above all hungry, knowing you've got a big meal coming up to end your day really helps.

3) Cardio, cardio, cardio. How many hours a day are you spending rolling, etc? If it's not at least 2hrs a day, get your big ass out there and run. Or if your knees can't handle it (I know mine complain at the start of a diet period when I've porked up), biking, elliptical, anything will do. For me, rolling is the best cardio ever, and it gets the muscles a good workout. Even if you have to roll with whoever is available that's beneath your weight class, or skill level, do it. You can go over rudimentary things, and still get a workout in, or when that gets a bit tiresome, work some holds that really wouldn't ever be practical in a real bjj match or fight, but they'll at least keep you going and keep you from getting bored.

If you can handle those conditions, you'll make weight, and by make weight I mean come close without having to cut too much prior to your fight. You'll be miserable to be around most likely, but keeping your protein high, your carbs low, and your fat too (some people find it acceptable to include many high fat meals when cutting out carbs, I don't. A nice steak instead of chicken totally ok).

Go for it and let us know how it works out for you. Also for those who doubt it's possible, his weight is so high and I'm guessing his diet is so shitty, that the shock alone will drop lbs the first week, even if he's not working out as hard as he could.

On a related note I started dieting and training again myself after a long lay off from injuries, family stuff etc and in the first week dropped 8lbs. I only rolled 3 times, ate 1 extremely fatty meal per day (lunch) and was disappointed that I only took off 8lbs. lol

When you carry a lot of weight, bigger losses are not only easier they're to be expected. If the TS only weighed 200lbs and wanted to hit 150 I'd tell him it's not doable, but he's a big boy and can do it.

Just don't make a habit of it. It really is hard on the immune system, heart, etc.

Edit: and if you're like me and lift weights when you're in shape. Forget them for the next 6 weeks. You'll have a limited amount of energy and with all the other training, it'd be a waste of time. ZERO chance you'll build any strength or muscle while on the above diet.
Don't take the fight and start losing the weight gradually and in a healthy manner. When you are ready, then take a fight.
Fuck it. Give it shot. Either way, you'll discover something about yourself that you didn't previously know.


A) I can't drop a lot of weight in 6 weeks.


B) Knuckles are delicious.