Mind blown on this one.
Would you say he's the best up and coming American since Keenan Cornelius?Yea Garry and John. I train with Gordon quite often. He's an absolute monster. Real nice guy too. He's gonna be really successful.
His little brother Nicky is also a problem. 14 years old and he beats up on me pretty good (I'm a purple belt).
2:00 in. I also have an entry from the leg drag.
A few things of note I picked up since I started messing with this position:
1. Scooping the near side leg with your own knee is my first goal
2. If you close the triangle to tighten lock, actually elevate your hips up (like you're finishing an armbar) instead of "squeezing" your legs together like an actual triangle. I like my feet crossed a little lower.. Basically against the back of my calf. Try it if you get a chance.
3. The far leg ankle grip is the best control position and it also gives you the most options. When I do the knee slice>back step every I don't even touch the near side leg until I'm already in the saddle.
The far leg options are a viable threat so sometimes they have no real choice but to defend. Also, once you have the far leg controlled (and again elevated your hips to tighten everything) then the bottom is completely trapped so in order for them to free the bottom leg they have to free the top leg. I like to think of it in terms of layers. Alot of times the shin crush will lead to the inside heelhook on the bottom leg, for example. So by controlling the top leg you are killing the hips, locking the bottom leg in even farther and posing even more threats all while keeping yourself out of harm's way.I have a lot of questions on that far side leg control. So it's to kill their hip movement by controlling both legs right? Also I've heard that you attacking the top uncontrolled leg to take attention away from the bottom trapped leg. It seems to work and Gordon Ryan did it in the video in the first post here. But don't most people know by now that their bottom leg is the one in bigger danger?
I think it'll come. Cummings said that Danaher and he would be interested in doing a site like MGinaction but that they just want to keep some trade secrets a little bit longer first. He said a dvd probably wouldn't be great because the things are changing so much that they might be outddated by the time the dvd came out so a website would be the only real option.And just to add, I hope the Danaher guys release some kind of instructional on their system..specifically the saddle. There's very little material to work with online and most of what I picked up has been through trial and error and studying comp footage.
@Ottavia hint hint![]()
A DanaherOnline or something like that would be awesome.I think it'll come. Cummings said that Danaher and he would be interested in doing a site like MGinaction but that they just want to keep some trade secrets a little bit longer first. He said a dvd probably wouldn't be great because the things are changing so much that they might be outddated by the time the dvd came out so a website would be the only real option.
I think it'll come. Cummings said that Danaher and he would be interested in doing a site like MGinaction but that they just want to keep some trade secrets a little bit longer first. He said a dvd probably wouldn't be great because the things are changing so much that they might be outddated by the time the dvd came out so a website would be the only real option.
Well I know it might be a while but I can't wait!Yup!
Yeah it really excites me even beyond just the leglock aspect of itme thinking about Danaher in action
...I would be so happy