Social GoldenWolf's COVID Vaccine/Lockdown Protest megathread Vol. 2

If you want to get vaccinated, get vaccinated, if you don't, don't.

Do what's best for you and if you get sick, get treated and stay home.

I'm going to get a lot of hate for that.
So, you're saying that there are people do NOT downright refuse to get vaccinations?


I WANT you to insult me more. If you can get your rage and bile and focus it on me, it lessens the chance you'll take aggressive action in a Walmart.

Bring it.

You allegedly worked in the medical field and you don't know the history of polio and why it's still around. Yet you still attempt to draw parallels between polio & covid. This is why you're well in the lead for Worst War Room Mod.
If you want to get vaccinated, get vaccinated, if you don't, don't.

Do what's best for you and if you get sick, get treated and stay home.

I'm going to get a lot of hate for that.
There is no RSV vaccine yet. The flu vaccine is unfortunately not performing well this year. The Covid shot doesn’t keep you from getting Covid. So honestly, your shit out of luck with vaccines.
You allegedly worked in the medical field and you don't know the history of polio and why it's still around. Yet you still attempt to draw parallels between polio & covid. This is why you're well in the lead for Worst War Room Mod.

I worked in Pharmacy not Biochemistry. Plus, I was in the military while doing so, everyone has a specialization and mine was drugs.

Some people just refuse to get help because they believe a certain thing and make a choice.

You can't save everyone.

And it's WORST MOD by the way. ;)
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There was a really nasty flu strain going around in late 2019 that nailed a lot of folks including myself. It was brutal, no fever, but got laid out with the worst coughing & chest congestion I've ever had in my life to the point where I was getting only 2-3 hours of sleep a night and I was starting to get a bit loopy from the lack of sleep. Spent the next month coughing up crud from my lungs, and it was over 2 months before I was back to 100%.

The I got covid along with the rest of my family in fall 2020, none of us had anything worse than the sniffles & a scratchy throat.

When I recovered and went back to work after the flu, I still wasn't feeling myself for the next couple of weeks. Absolutely zero energy. I was literally working and sleeping. I had (a pretty high) fever, though.
I got a flu shot last week but I'm done with the covid shots. Got the initial two doses last year and then the booster and got sick from the latter two. Haven't seen anything about a mask mandate in my part of NY.
There is no RSV vaccine yet. The flu vaccine is unfortunately not performing well this year. The Covid shot doesn’t keep you from getting Covid. So honestly, your shit out of luck with vaccines.

Oh, I'm not worried about getting COVID.

I'm worried about surviving it. The vaccine (and my healthy lifestyle) increase my chances of that. Sure, I can still get it and die, but then again, I can die before I finish the Falcons game.


"You might be a king or a lowly street-sweeper, sooner or later you gotta dance with the reaper."

- Death :Bill and Ted's Bogus journey.

But I'm not gonna rush it. :)
When I recovered and went back to work after the flu, I still wasn't feeling myself for the next couple of weeks. Absolutely zero energy. I was literally working and sleeping. I had (a pretty high) fever, though.

I ended up taking a bunch of sick days and just sleeping a lot from late December to the middle of January. Probably could've gone back to work a week earlier but I was feeling seriously run down from the lack of sleep & fighting off the demon flu.

I'd say I was mostly fine after the 1st week of January as long as I didn't exert myself, but man, the first 15-20 minutes of every workout that month sucked ass since I'd be coughing up crud from deep in my lungs until my body was fully warmed up and I'd broken a good sweat.
It will be like the first plandemic, a tv and pcr plandemic. My god, just do some of your own research instead of believing all the propaganda of the mass/social media, it's SO simple to get to the actual truth.
Yep I have one right now and everyone at work is getting it too, literally everyone.
Im currently laying in my bed with my heater pointed at me with a sweater on and a blanket.

I also noticed when I took a shower that my nerves are dulled. I could tell and knew by the setting that the water was scolding hot. Usually I can feel scolding hot pain, but I couldn't feel pain only heat, almost as if my tolerance for heat has doubled

Your water scolds you? What are you doing that makes it angry?
It will be like the first plandemic, a tv and pcr plandemic. My god, just do some of your own research instead of believing all the propaganda of the mass/social media, it's SO simple to get to the actual truth.

Go to those conspiracy theory sites to get the "actual truth".
I've had some type of cold for the past month but it was only bad the first three days. I had a fever and lots of head congestion. Now I just have a persistent cough.
Could you expend on this a little?

Gobble, safe, gobble, effective, gobble

Like the blood clotting issue that so many doctors have been warning about from the start. 2 years later Pfizer finally gets a warning after surpassing the j&j record by an exponential amount.

"FDA Now Says Pfizer’s COVID-19 VACCINE Linked to Blood Clotting
FDA researchers found that the vaccines are linked to pulmonary embolisms in older people. A pulmonary embolism is blood clotting in the lungs
mind you

"FDA researchers found that the vaccines are linked to pulmonary embolisms in older people."

Meanwhile this poor lady begs to differ, her story is heart breaking and worse yet far from alone, its common.