Have to disagree a bit... The Alpha version of COVD was likely worse than a bad flu. And was extremely severe for some segments of the population. Especially obese people with other medical issues. Also, the rush to intubate everyone might have worsened some outcomes instead of helping... Remember how ventilators were so in demand, but rapidly (and quietly) abandoned later.
But COVID degraded quickly by the time Omicron rolled around in late 2021. That was when I first caught COVID and I was pretty sick for a few days, nothing major though. My twin girls got it then and weren't even sick for a day.
I get your point on "Science" evolving.... BUT
All discussion on options and differing opinions were all but censored by the Media and Medical Professionals. Even Doctors with opposing opinions were threatened with their medical license.
The Ivermectin issue is the worst of it... Calling it horse dewormer. Claiming it was dangerous when it's likely the safest drug ever made. People in Africa eat it like candy without issue for disease prevention. And speaking of Africa... How did COVID fair there again? And why?
I get it.. Maybe Ivermectin wasn't the wonder cure some thought it was. But Social Media and Youtube accounts were BANNED for even talking about it... You couldn't even MENTION it. Several Podcasts and videos got demonetized just for briefly talking about Ivermectin.
Some of the worst draconian and authoritarian shit we've ever seen in this nation.
And fuck this guy... He was far more dictactorial than Trump even could have been. And his lies... Masks, double-masks, social distancing, lockdowns (then claiming he didn't advocate for them), vaccine promises, etc....
Saying attending College Football Games would lead to mass super spreader events (they didn't), but refusing to say if the George Floyd riots might cause cases to rise. lol...
Seriously... fuck off
Shockingly, the Average American's faith in Medical Professionals and the Healthcare Industry is at an all time low.
And yet... the sad remains of the US Media still reside in Big Pharma's Pockets... still pushing boosters in native Ads. Try watching any cable news network now... its all Pharma ads. Trying to coerce customers to nag their doctors in trying some drug they saw on TV.
And our corrupt politicians in DC won't ban Pharma Advertising... Like every other nation on the planet has.. Because Pharma companies are dumping too much money in their pockets.
It's a fucking mess