Going To Be Involved in an Informal Crossfit Debate.


Only the Strong Survive
Jul 13, 2015
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I didn't seek this out in any way or volunteer myself for the discussion. To make a long story short, my good friend has a successful moving company. Their work is very strenuous, as you can imagine. He is encouraging his team to train together a few times a week and to eat better to improve their performance as movers. One of the guys that works for him is trying to convince him to have the entire crew train Crossfit together several times a week as a form of bettering their performance. He is an absolute Crossfit groupie. My friend on the other hand, knows that I worked as a trainer in college and I have a USAW Certification (albeit collecting dust for the last five years) back from when I taught strength and conditioning in college. The other guy basically told him that Crossfit was the most functional, superior way to train your body for performance on the planet. My friend, knowing that I would disagree, set us up for a discussion at lunch next week.

Now I haven't heard as much of a stink about Crossfit as I did when I was in college (albeit I'm no longer engrossed in the fitness world other than for my own training). That being said, do people really believe this is the most effective and safest way to better your performance for work? I cannot even believe this is a real argument. The last thing in my mind that I think my friend needs is a team of injured movers. I am not going to be remotely disrespectful, and I don't want to come off as a snob, but I can't believe this is really be sold as remarkably useful for anything besides Crossfit.

Have you had this discussion lately? What are your thoughts for or against Crossfit? Also, any stats you'd like to share feel free.
The last thing in my mind that I think my friend needs is a team of injured movers.

I thought this on reading the OP as well.
If anything, typical heavy barbell should be advocated for the training method.

I've had friends in the army saying the forces prescribe cross fit type workouts, and most of them are plagued with shoulder issues.. maybe thats the point, get the recruits banged up so much they can't deploy overseas.
I thought this on reading the OP as well.
If anything, typical heavy barbell should be advocated for the training method.

I've had friends in the army saying the forces prescribe cross fit type workouts, and most of them are plagued with shoulder issues.. maybe thats the point, get the recruits banged up so much they can't deploy overseas.
Yeah, exactly. I they do a good job of building community (hence the vegan and atheism comparisons). That being said, it is more cult/fad than training system to me.
I would imagine that some LISS/LSD work would help since they have to be active for the entire day. Couple that with some strength work and they should be good.
You can always rotate who will be the greased up deaf guy and get your cardio in.
Teh Hulse has a video where he talks about training programs for ppl in physically demanding jobs, like movers.
I'm totally getting into crossfit when I get back to the states.
i did pretty heavy manual jobs for years and from my experience, i just can tell you, working 50 or 60+ hours moving heavy shit, the last thing you want to do is crossfit for several sessions a week. your job is the workout.

the guys have to learn to hinge properly, getting into a hot tub after work and doing some yoga.

i never met someone doing construction or landscaping, who was lacking in strength or endurance for their job. but almost nobody was taught how to lift shit without putting all the stress on the rounded lower back, compromised shoulders etc.

so, deadlifts, hypers, standing press, some planking, joint mobility. and nothing too heavy. maybe some calisthenics while doing a light run in the forest/park or something.

also the age is a huge factor. i was good with working hard and much while "working out" heavy when i was 25, but 10 years later, my body just tells me, that this isn't happening anymore.

a light version of starting strength would be cool. they need training in proper lifting technique (especially generating power from the core, hinge) and recovering from their "real" work.

doing kipping pullups and deadlifts for time while being short before a rhabdo is not the way to go here.

and think about yoga.
Legit lol

I was only half joking I actually sort of really want to check it out. Plus back in he states aren't crossfit gyms like the only place to do oly lifting???

Here in China there weightlifting gyms everywhere, the provincial weightlifting hall is like a 20 minute walk from my house, I don't think I'll have anything like that back in the states.
Depends on where you are.
I know that a lot of crossfit gyms teach oly lifts badly, or only allow you to do wods. The best crossfit gyms i find are the ones that let ppl do as they please so long as it doesnt interfere with their wods.
I was only half joking I actually sort of really want to check it out. Plus back in he states aren't crossfit gyms like the only place to do oly lifting???

Here in China there weightlifting gyms everywhere, the provincial weightlifting hall is like a 20 minute walk from my house, I don't think I'll have anything like that back in the states.

It seems like most major cities have dedicated WL spots or at least traditional gyms with a few platforms. But yes CF gyms are the most reliable for it almost anywhere you go. My Podunk home town has two. Makes no sense.

Most of them will let you train during non class times and do your own thing if you ask the right way and don't seem like a cunt.
Depends on where you are.
I know that a lot of crossfit gyms teach oly lifts badly, or only allow you to do wods. The best crossfit gyms i find are the ones that let ppl do as they please so long as it doesnt interfere with their wods.

What do you mean let people do as they please?
Theres a number of crossfit gyms i know that let ppl sign up for the gym and lift whatever and however they want. They never have to do crossfit if they dont want to. My only crossfit membership was at a gym like that. I actually miss that gym because they are one of the few that can actually program non crossfit slop.
Theres a number of crossfit gyms i know that let ppl sign up for the gym and lift whatever and however they want. They never have to do crossfit if they dont want to. My only crossfit membership was at a gym like that. I actually miss that gym because they are one of the few that can actually program non crossfit slop.
That's interesting I haven't yet seen any with that format. It would be pretty helpful because someone like myself has a difficult time in chain gyms. I am at a golds gym now where I have to wait 20 minutes to use a bar, and there is very little room to run any sort of circuit/HIIT. Like even when my girlfriend wants to do lunges, there is literally no where to fucking do them. The gym is full to the max with shitty assisted machines and shit.
Yeah its pretty lame.
If youre going to be bringing in a few guys, talk to the owner and see if he will let you guys do your own thing without interfering with wod times. Some gyms have this as a standard policy others dont but might make exceptions.
Id hate those waiting lines for a bar id go nuts.
That's interesting I haven't yet seen any with that format. It would be pretty helpful because someone like myself has a difficult time in chain gyms. I am at a golds gym now where I have to wait 20 minutes to use a bar, and there is very little room to run any sort of circuit/HIIT. Like even when my girlfriend wants to do lunges, there is literally no where to fucking do them. The gym is full to the max with shitty assisted machines and shit.

Just shoot the owner/operator of every CF joint in your area an email asking if they'd do an "open gym" membership. Just means you come in between classes and do whatever you want. If you try enough one will likely let you. I let lots of people do that at my place at a much cheaper rate.
If this training as a group of employee thing even happens I give it two weeks tops.