goin to nyc in august...


Yurple Belt
Oct 15, 2006
Reaction score
im only gunna be stayin for like 4 days but at least two of those days id like to go hit up renzo's academy, anybody know what the drop in rate is? and i am currently a high blue belt, will i be able to attend all of the jiujitsu classes?

any info is greatly appreciated..
I used to train at his school in New Hampshire and we would make trips down there. Let me tell you what ever the cost it's worth it.
You posted this thread on 04/22/08:

It is 05/08/08 now. How did you go from a white belt with no stripes to a "high" blue belt in two weeks or so?

Just curious.

As much fun it is catch one someone in a lie.. he did mention in that thread that he had been training for 7 years. It is possible that he finally got his blue in the last 2 weeks. Most likely he meant to say he "has the skills" of a high blue and considering he has compete and done well in blue belt tournaments, it would be a fair assessment.

I love a-ha moments, but I don't think you have that much this time.
im self trained and thats currently what im competing at...im calling myself a high level blue because i won the last tourny i competed in at that belt level ..and im considing myself a high level blue as i have been hangin with all of the purple belts in the area and even one black belt i rolled with a little over a month back..
Well he didn't have to call himself a HIGH blue belt.
but back to the subject at hand anyone know the drop-in rate at renzos? and does he charge per class or per day?

thanks in advance
As much fun it is catch one someone in a lie.. he did mention in that thread that he had been training for 7 years. It is possible that he finally got his blue in the last 2 weeks. Most likely he meant to say he "has the skills" of a high blue and considering he has compete and done well in blue belt tournaments, it would be a fair assessment.

I love a-ha moments, but I don't think you have that much this time.

I'm not really calling him a liar per se -- just making sure that he clarifies these things. I did post in that other thread that he seems like a pretty stand up guy.

What I don't want to happen is for him to say that to people at Renzo's and them to then ask him where he trains and who promoted him, etc. That's a common question at a lot of places when someone new comes in.

Personally I don't take huge offense to something like that, but I do know there are some people in BJJ who would get very angry if you came in and told them you were a "high" blue belt and later they discovered that you meant to say that you performed well in some local blue belt divisions and put the rank on yourself.

I just think he should be aware of this so he doesn't have a negative experience at Renzo's.
well i do wear a blue belt but its not like im throwin stripes on it in effort to make someone think that theres someone promoting me...as i am self trained and am a trainer of others in the grappling arts lol..
i thought this was why the telephone and more recently e-mail were invented.
im at work right now..no access to email and cant make calls like that so i figured this would be the easiest way to find out some helpfull info...
You are typing on sherdog and you have no access to email?
well i do wear a blue belt but its not like im throwin stripes on it in effort to make someone think that theres someone promoting me...as i am self trained and am a trainer of others in the grappling arts lol..

When you go to Renzos put on the white belt. In fact, no matter what your skills are, you should not put on a blue belt, which another black belt hasn't authorized. It is not only dishonest, but it also shows a lack of loyalty and humility. IMO it is ok to put on a belt for tournaments; because, some tournaments won't allow you to compete unless you wear that belt. But anywhere else is it not an honorable thing to do.

Don't go around telling people you are a blue belt or "blue belt level" or anything else. That's just lame and shows insecurity in your own skills. It is like saying you have a college degree without actually going to college. Even if you are self-schooled, it isn't the same. Be completely honest instead - mention you grappled for 7+ years and won some blue belt competitions if it comes up - and then destroy them on the mat if you wish.
When you go to Renzos put on the white belt. In fact, no matter what your skills are, you should not put on a blue belt, which another black belt hasn't authorized. It is not only dishonest, but it also shows a lack of loyalty and humility. IMO it is ok to put on a belt for tournaments; because, some tournaments won't allow you to compete unless you wear that belt. But anywhere else is it not an honorable thing to do.

Don't go around telling people you are a blue belt or "blue belt level" or anything else. That's just lame and shows insecurity in your own skills. It is like saying you have a college degree without actually going to college. Even if you are self-schooled, it isn't the same. Be completely honest instead - mention you grappled for 7+ years and won some blue belt competitions if it comes up - and then destroy them on the mat if you wish.

well from what ive heard, his classes are segregated by belt level so if i went there with a white belt even if i mentioned my training and competition exp. would i be limited to the beginners class? because thats what im trying to avoid..
When you go to Renzos put on the white belt. In fact, no matter what your skills are, you should not put on a blue belt, which another black belt hasn't authorized. It is not only dishonest, but it also shows a lack of loyalty and humility. IMO it is ok to put on a belt for tournaments; because, some tournaments won't allow you to compete unless you wear that belt. But anywhere else is it not an honorable thing to do.

Don't go around telling people you are a blue belt or "blue belt level" or anything else. That's just lame and shows insecurity in your own skills. It is like saying you have a college degree without actually going to college. Even if you are self-schooled, it isn't the same. Be completely honest instead - mention you grappled for 7+ years and won some blue belt competitions if it comes up - and then destroy them on the mat if you wish.

Frodo summed it up nicely I think. Although we obviously do feel similar about a lot of issues because we have trained together so much.

I don't have any real rank in the art of Judo. Despite that, I have actually trained Judo in legitimate pure Judo schools for about a year or so in my life. I have definitely learned something from that, so I think I do know something about Judo, even if it is admittedly just a little bit.

At one school in particular I trained at, we would have shiai (competition) at the end of class. Although it was not a regular tournament, it was shiai rather than randori. The idea was to win the match, and everyone fought their best as if it were a competition.

I was a blue belt in BJJ at the time, and I was able to defeat higher belts in Judo on a regular basis. So in that sense, I have done the same thing in Judo as you have done in BJJ.

Nonetheless, were I to walk into a Judo school today, I would put on a white belt. I would do so because nobody promoted me in Judo, and if I were to wear that rank in such a school, people would assume I had been. I would explain my background to the instructor of course since I would probably seem a little out of place.

Ultimately, it is your own personal choice what rank you choose to wear. No one can stop you from putting on whatever you feel is appropriate. However, I think it is wise to note that there are definitely some people out there (especially in BJJ) who will hold something like that against you.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong; I just want you to realize that a lot of places, it might be more of a big deal than you initially think.
When you go to Renzos put on the white belt. In fact, no matter what your skills are, you should not put on a blue belt, which another black belt hasn't authorized. It is not only dishonest, but it also shows a lack of loyalty and humility. IMO it is ok to put on a belt for tournaments; because, some tournaments won't allow you to compete unless you wear that belt. But anywhere else is it not an honorable thing to do.

Don't go around telling people you are a blue belt or "blue belt level" or anything else. That's just lame and shows insecurity in your own skills. It is like saying you have a college degree without actually going to college. Even if you are self-schooled, it isn't the same. Be completely honest instead - mention you grappled for 7+ years and won some blue belt competitions if it comes up - and then destroy them on the mat if you wish.

im sorry but how does that show insecurity in my own skills? i dont train at a gi school and i am one of the main grappling coaches at my gym and the only one that teaches gi technique(my own system btw that has been proven in competition). so im sorry if im coming off as if i dont know the "laws of the land" here, i dont lie to anyone about why i wear a blue belt and compete at that level, so there is definatly no insecuritys running through my mind. if anything its just the opposite being a self trained jiujitsu player that is hanging with and beating people at that level..

sorry in advance if my opinion offends anyone, its just my opinion
When you go to Renzos put on the white belt. In fact, no matter what your skills are, you should not put on a blue belt, which another black belt hasn't authorized. It is not only dishonest, but it also shows a lack of loyalty and humility. IMO it is ok to put on a belt for tournaments; because, some tournaments won't allow you to compete unless you wear that belt. But anywhere else is it not an honorable thing to do.

Don't go around telling people you are a blue belt or "blue belt level" or anything else. That's just lame and shows insecurity in your own skills. It is like saying you have a college degree without actually going to college. Even if you are self-schooled, it isn't the same. Be completely honest instead - mention you grappled for 7+ years and won some blue belt competitions if it comes up - and then destroy them on the mat if you wish.

I kind of see your point however he wants to go to Renzos and get the most out of it for 2 days. If he wears a white belt, he'll get no respect and they'll teach him headlock escapes for an hour. He wants to really train so as it might not be the "right" thing to do, I'd put on a blue if I were him so he can train in the proper classes.

I am assuming the drop in fee is $25+ so I'd want to get the most money out of it as possible.

and IMO - If he really is a blue belt, I don't see as much of a problem in self promoting himself a blue belt if hes been training 7+ years. It is after all only a blue belt. If his reasons are to use the blue so he can avoid beginner classes. If he was throwing stripes on the belt, washing it make it look aged, or any other none sense like that, I'd say otherwise. Now self-promoting yourself to purple belt or higher is killing it. Also if he is going to join a former BJJ school, let the instructor know your experience, wear the white belt, the dude will probably promote you within a month or two at most. Especially if your killing people.
Frodo summed it up nicely I think. Although we obviously do feel similar about a lot of issues because we have trained together so much.

I don't have any real rank in the art of Judo. Despite that, I have actually trained Judo in legitimate pure Judo schools for about a year or so in my life. I have definitely learned something from that, so I think I do know something about Judo, even if it is admittedly just a little bit.

At one school in particular I trained at, we would have shiai (competition) at the end of class. Although it was not a regular tournament, it was shiai rather than randori. The idea was to win the match, and everyone fought their best as if it were a competition.

I was a blue belt in BJJ at the time, and I was able to defeat higher belts in Judo on a regular basis. So in that sense, I have done the same thing in Judo as you have done in BJJ.

Nonetheless, were I to walk into a Judo school today, I would put on a white belt. I would do so because nobody promoted me in Judo, and if I were to wear that rank in such a school, people would assume I had been. I would explain my background to the instructor of course since I would probably seem a little out of place.

Ultimately, it is your own personal choice what rank you choose to wear. No one can stop you from putting on whatever you feel is appropriate. However, I think it is wise to note that there are definitely some people out there (especially in BJJ) who will hold something like that against you.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong; I just want you to realize that a lot of places, it might be more of a big deal than you initially think.

duelly* noted
I kind of see your point however he wants to go to Renzos and get the most out of it for 2 days. If he wears a white belt, he'll get no respect and they'll teach him headlock escapes for an hour. He wants to really train so as it might not be the "right" thing to do, I'd put on a blue if I were him so he can train in the proper classes.

I am assuming the drop in fee is $25+ so I'd want to get the most money out of it as possible.

and IMO - If he really is a blue belt, I don't see as much of a problem in self promoting himself a blue belt if hes been training 7+ years. It is after all only a blue belt. If his reasons are to use the blue so he can avoid beginner classes. If he was throwing stripes on the belt, washing it make it look aged, or any other none sense like that, I'd say otherwise. Now self-promoting yourself to purple belt or higher is killing it. Also if he is going to join a former BJJ school, let the instructor know your experience, wear the white belt, the dude will probably promote you within a month or two at most. Especially if your killing people.

you're essentially hitting the nail on the head here, and to back up the last part of ur last paragraph, if that were the case and i were to join a formal bjj scholl and train under someone else of course i would wear a white belt as i would want to become ranked under that instructors system..