God Bless Corporate America..They rule.

Well, Counter Culture, I'd like to answer your question with one of my own.

What are you doing for dinner tonight, you vacantly staring, beady-eyed, limp-wristed, slack jawed jackass? I'm not above stomping on somebodies head, then sliding my less than impressive sized cock right between their would-be smart assed pimply ass cheeks as a measure of dominance.

Come on, kido, I'll by you a pack of gum and teach you how to chew it. ^_^
Counter, I really hope The U.S. Army gives RangerALT permission to HALO drop on your house, then proceed to beat the everliving shit out of you. Have some fuckin respect for our nation's military, you fuck. You are enjoying your life as a free girl only cause of them. Liberal fuckin pussies. I'd go there myself, but school is too important to waste my time on your ass. Oh, and Taxi Driver, he's my bitch right along side you
Originally posted by Scarface
Counter, I really hope The U.S. Army gives RangerALT permission to HALO drop on your house, then proceed to beat the everliving shit out of you. Have some fuckin respect for our nation's military, you fuck. You are enjoying your life as a free girl only cause of them. Liberal fuckin pussies. I'd go there myself, but school is too important to waste my time on your ass. Oh, and Taxi Driver, he's my bitch right along side you

STFU :eek::eek::eek:. At least Ranger is funny. You are just an annoying whiney bitch. The only posts you ever make are when you bitch at other people. When you get done sucking Rangers dick I hope he smacks you in the face and tells you to act like a man.
Originally posted by Scarface
8th, you are one ignorant dumbass. I don't care if I get carded, you're "looking in from teh outside" analysis is just plain stupid. Every government has its flaws, period. Your Candian government, while being so fuckin passive in world affairs has been scheming millions thru NAFTA adn thousand in jobs. Your government has benefited at teh expense of my nation. Too bad you don't see that. You sem to point out the bad stuff about America. Why is that? Are you jea;ous of America? Or do yo ulike to be a bitter bitch about things and complain(troll) on this forum? I don't give a fuck what your Canadian ass thinks of America. Corporations like Ford Co. and U.S. Steel forged the U. S. economy to what we know it as nowadays. If it wasn't for our government and our economy, you'd be in a world of hurt. Matter a fact, I think your ass will not be here much longer. People are getting tired of your ass on here, well, exept for the uneducated, "let's rebel against authority" type fucks who think going against teh government will solve our antin's problems. It takes more from a man to work together to solve a problem than to take the easy way out and sit on th esidelines and cry, bitch, moan, or what ever else teh fuck you do, 8th. Remember this, MODERATOR< , I don't care for you or your opinions. America has done more for most nation's on earth than you care to believe. Maybe you are bitching cause you're taking Political Science I in your community college. Either way, you're a misguided, uneducated idiot who shouldn't be allowed to mod on this forum.

See here ill tell it like it is ....

I am not anti-american....what i posted above is not anti-american propaganda....its an article. The only problem you have with that article is its too much the truth for you to handle. I think you would rather have a full frontal labotomy than actually think freely. I live in a free country..as do you..i can feel however i want to about whatever things i feel dont cross the line, i dont cross it...but for some reason you and a few others get your panties ina bunch whenever ANYONE says anything slightly negative about ANYTHING that happens to be american...or based in the US. I think thats unrealistic and extremely naive....Should we all just bury our heads in the sand and do and say and believe everything or government tells us....my answer is no...yours is obviously yes.

Never once have I on any occasion made anti-american(as in the people not the government) remarks...i think the base of what your country was founded apon is a beautiful thing...i just dont think the "big business/political" side of it has anything to do with american ideals anymore....and thats exactly what the above article is suggesting...you really have to open your fucking eyes and grow up a bit....dont just label people who dont happen to agree with the status quo "anti-American" its fucking retarded and makes absolutley no sense whatsoever with the arguements and viewpoints made in said article....as well as most of the stuff i post here....

You are a misinformed person either that or you live in bubble or something....you think you should be all fine and fucking dandy when huge corporations are fooling your parents and neibours out of their life savings(See: Enron...its a main focus of the above article....or wait.they are a "great american company,blah blah blah")

You need to wake up... and dont fucking get mad at me cause my godamn eyes are open...

Originally posted by CounterCulture
STFU :eek::eek::eek:. At least Ranger is funny. You are just an annoying whiney bitch. The only posts you ever make are when you bitch at other people. When you get done sucking Rangers dick I hope he smacks you in the face and tells you to act like a man.
LMAO Little girl, ho wlittle you nkow about acting like a man. Why don't you just go marry Richard Simmons, have a sex change, become friends with Rosie, and maybe you will become a better person. Your little persona floating around here reminds me of those little retards who used to think they were tuff in junior high just cause they got to ride in that little yellow bus adn wear their name and address around their neck. I feel sorry for your parents for raising an unappreciative fuck like you. I bet tehy wish they had let the umbilical cord stay around your neck for a couple more seconds.
Every government has its flaws, period.

That is very true but still there are a lot of people out there who can't seem to understand it. EVERY government has lied, cheated, stole, killed, etc. That's just how governments work and the price we pay for living the way we do. If/when America falls there will just be another government like it to replace it and so on. Nothing anyone can do will stop that cycle.
Originally posted by Scarface
LMAO Little girl, ho wlittle you nkow about acting like a man. Why don't you just go marry Richard Simmons, have a sex change, become friends with Rosie, and maybe you will become a better person. Your little persona floating around here reminds me of those little retards who used to think they were tuff in junior high just cause they got to ride in that little yellow bus adn wear their name and address around their neck. I feel sorry for your parents for raising an unappreciative fuck like you. I bet tehy wish they had let the umbilical cord stay around your neck for a couple more seconds.

Damn dude you got alot of info from a couple of posts. And why the obsession with little girls? You aren't a sex offender are you? And what makes me unappreciative? I excercise an fully appreciate my right to vote and do so. And piece of shit :eek::eek::eek: like you who doesn't is unappreciative and deserves to be sodomized by their father. One last question, How do you take a shit with all the scarring in your asshole?
8th, fuck you too. Enron did screw alot of people out of thier retirement. I agree with you on that and the dfact aht they destroyed teh lives of thousands of people. But hey, this is old news. Every country has their problems, even your country. Why don't you focus on that shit and maybe you can make the cubicle you call home a better place? Fucker, my eyes are open adn I do not follow blindly the words and news that are spewed out on a daily basis by the news. Some of us have more important things to do like getting an education, or protecting my country. You seem to get a kick out of pointing out the flaws of others. I think you like that. You've never made a decent thread or post. Fuck off jerky. adn take Counter with you. You two fucktwats would make the perfect hermaphrodite couple.
Originally posted by Scarface
8th, fuck you too. Enron did screw alot of people out of thier retirement. I agree with you on that and the dfact aht they destroyed teh lives of thousands of people. But hey, this is old news. Every country has their problems, even your country. Why don't you focus on that shit and maybe you can make the cubicle you call home a better place? Fucker, my eyes are open adn I do not follow blindly the words and news that are spewed out on a daily basis by the news. Some of us have more important things to do like getting an education, or protecting my country. You seem to get a kick out of pointing out the flaws of others. I think you like that. You've never made a decent thread or post. Fuck off jerky. adn take Counter with you. You two fucktwats would make the perfect hermaphrodite couple.

See what happens when i point out what i was actually talking about..i mean i really spell out the entire basis of my post....you completely agree. But then to try and make up for looking like a total asshole...you resort to childish name calling.

Whats it feel like to get owned like that?
Originally posted by CounterCulture
Damn dude you got alot of info from a couple of posts. And why the obsession with little girls? You aren't a sex offender are you? And what makes me unappreciative? I excercise an fully appreciate my right to vote and do so. And piece of shit :eek::eek::eek: like you who doesn't is unappreciative and deserves to be sodomized by their father. One last question, How do you take a shit with all the scarring in your asshole?
You're pretty funny sometimes asswipe. And you act like a little girl, thats why I said that. If the day comes around that I ever run into you, we'll see how much of an anarchist yoyu really are. I shouldn't be suprised there are :eek::eek::eek:s like you in this country. Liberals have done fucked you up brother. I'm sorry for you.
Oh, and I don't like going back to check my spelling, so sue me. On second thought, nevermind, you got enough problems with your bestiality issues.
Originally posted by 8thDegreeSavage
See what happens when i point out what i was actually talking about..i mean i really spell out the entire basis of my post....you completely agree. But then to try and make up for looking like a total asshole...you resort to childish name calling.

Whats it feel like to get owned like that?
DId I ever defend Enron stupid? No. SO shut the fuck up Your post has everythign to do with bashin America, along with every other post you make on here. Looks like you're owned bitch.
I love internet tough guys. You keep mentioning running into me and fucking me up, knowing full well that it probably will never happen. So I don't even feel the need to say I'd kick your ass back. You are just some stupid bitch with too much time on your hands and not an independent though in your body. All you do is reply to people you don't like and bitch. At least I can see Ranger threatening people because he's enlisted and probably could kick my sorry crippled ass. So go fuck off don't reply to this and I hope when you are havin rough sex with your mother she bites your tiny litle dick off.
Originally posted by Scarface
DId I ever defend Enron stupid? No. SO shut the fuck up Your post has everythign to do with bashin America, along with every other post you make on here. Looks like you're owned bitch.


OK so now your contradicting what you just posted and are going back to the "anti American" rant because you got hosed like a 5th grader on acid..please learn to tie your shoes before you try to walk over me.
Bear in mind we can only do so much.

When you say "Do something about it?" do you mean step up against the government? That would be suicide. We are doing something by voicing our opinions because we still have that right, or whatever is left of it from that god-awful "Patriot" Bill.

Once the masses at large are informed of this, then there will be a viable force to stand up to the bullying of the government. But the problem is alot of the masses are consumed with apathy and indifference. Indifference to this, but not to their egotistical and hedonistic needs. People love to indulge themselves in new cars, nice lifestyles, fuck I live in LA I see this shit first hand, the superficial bitches, love of materialism, escapism, etc.

What I am trying to say is people are more comfortable with being the animal that they are as opposed to the human, and living with illusions rather than the grim reality, hence they don't care, and the corporate media and entertainment do a good job of distracting the masses with never ending bullshit of the entertainment world. I hate "Stars", and Entertainment Tonight and the whole celebrity worshipping cult that exists. Fuck them. They can all die for all I care and I wouldn't give a shit. Frankly, acting is one of the least important "jobs" out there. Scientists, doctors, the garbage man, the mail man, all have it way harder and without them, those actors are worth shit.

Let's put it to you this way, they depend on us to watch their bullshit, not the other way around. But people love the escapism TV, entertainment, etc., has to offer. Escapism is what is used to keep the masses at bay from finding out how badly they have been fucked in the ass by the upper strata of the populace. And this is what we have to battle with, not an easy thing.

Our world is analogous with the world in The Matrix. That movie in a sense reflected our society. Few saw this truth.
8th, I couldn't have done it without your entrance post.

Sometimes I want topics like this, because I get bored of the same nonsensical little sarcastic jokes we have in OT non stop.

I try to make a serious thread, it turns to gutter.

But you did it.

For further reading on the Matrix analogy I recommend these links. Good stuff.



Some stuff might seem far fetched, but sort of weed through it and get to the gist of what the movie meant.

Why is a canadian complaining about corprorate AMERICA? Let american's decide if we like how the corps. are doing this, deal with your own country.