Gladiator Herpes....


Doug Funny

WELL I GOT EM. Just got back from the doc, and apparently I got these "gladiator herpes" from direct contact when I was grappling at my new gym. This fucking blows.

Anyone have any experience with teh gladiator herpes?
never heard of it...heard of impetago(spelling?), ring worm, Shingles, excema and some other fungal infections, but never gladiator herpes... isn't impitago caused by the herpes virus?
Herpes gladiatorum. It happens, it's very contagious, and it can be recurrent. Take some acyclovir/valocyclovir/valtrex asap and keep your hands and face as clean as possible. Inform your team and make sure people know that they may have been exposed either by you or from the mats at the tournament you caught it at.
I'm sorry to hear that bro. If you got it from your gym I would transfer gyms. My old gym had staph breakouts. I caught it 3 times in like 5 months then I used that to get out of my contract.
hmmmmmmm....can this spread to other parts of ur body? aka turn into a STD?

i had a fungal skin disease that basically was melting my skin away from my flesh. did feel nice as my parents INSISTED that it wasnt anything serious...but anyways this is not about me.

try to talk to your team and figure out where it came from cause maybe they dont know they have it.
luc[ifer];21847602 said:
i had a fungal skin disease that basically was melting my skin away from my flesh. did feel nice as my parents INSISTED that it wasnt anything serious...
Maybe I' read this wrong .....
haha, i saw DF's name and thought this was the OT and was about to tell him to kill himself.

that sucks man, can't imagine how itchy that shit must be, get better.
haha, i saw DF's name and thought this was the OT and was about to tell him to kill himself.

that sucks man, can't imagine how itchy that shit must be, get better.
Yes behind my ear

It doesnt itch much, but I feel very weak and feeble.
Just be glad it's behind your ear and not directly on your face.
I got it wrestling in high school in the crooks of both my arms, and it reappears about once a year (usually in the spring, once in the fall) since I got it in December of 2004. But Valtrex clears it up pretty quickly when an outbreak occurs.
Considering its on your ear, and not lip/nose or "down below" you have good chances that it wont ever reappear again.. sort of like chicken pox.... if it does come back at all it should be much milder and outbreaks few and far between.

One very important thing here is that you keep your fingers out of your eyes after touching your ear during this first outbreak (and really anytime), herpes virus can get really dangerous if it gets in the eye during a first infection.. but it is very rare..

Bottom line though go see a doc and get a prescription and some real advice.. as the above is only my opinion and should not be construed as medical advice..
