GF traveling to Europe alone... I don't like it.

Or get accurate info on the guys she bangs. Your future kids could get citizenship in some Euro countries even if born out of country, as long as the father was a citizen.

sorry ts that sucks sounds like she isn't too serious about you and the euro vacation gives her a nice excuse to either drop the relationship or deescalate it, best thing you could do is drop her bang somebody else and hopefully they will find you and your time more valuable then this chick does.
should be fine, have you ever met Euro guys? it's no coincidence that Americans don't have to try to bang at all over there, them homies are lame

Haha sure... All our woman love those oversized fatty's ... Give me a breakl
Haha sure... All our woman love those oversized fatty's ... Give me a breakl

I lived there due to employment/military purposes, so uh no, we weren't rolling deep w/ fatty's as you say.....

Respect tho
Trust issues like this are why so many people are in shitty relationships. If you don't trust her on her own why the fuck are you with her in the first place?
Don't stress about it TS...

I'll stamp her passport.

If she goes and you stay together she's cheating on you. If you break up with her and she goes she is still going to bang a bunch of guys. If she goes and you meet her up she will bang you... after she bangs those other guys before you got there. The answer is simple... She goes and you rage about it for a few days then meet her up and angry Fuck her for the next few days then break up with her. Problem solved
If you can get laid on your own, let her go. It's a golden opportunity.

If you can't get laid, let her go. She's the best you can do and she'll drop you if she senses weakness. She'll probably drop you anyways but at least this way you might get a t-shirt out of the deal.

In either case it's a pretty safe bet you lost this round, happens to the best of us.
Let her go.. If she's gonna bang someone else there, she'll probably bang someone else at home anyway..
Nope, don't even get that joke either :icon_cry2

The ipad thing is from a thread where some guy was talking about how his GF bought him an ipad. I can't recall if she later dumped him, or if other sherdoggers just concluded that she was about to dump him. But either way, from that point on, if someone gives you an ipad you're supposed to expect to be dumped shortly afterwards.

Groundhog expert was actually a funny thread. I can't even remember all the details but basically this guy got one of the facts about groundhogs wrong, and when others pointed it out, he said "f*&ck you, I'm no groundhog expert"
From that point on, whenever you're going to offer your own theory or opinion on anything, you would start by saying "I'm no groundhog expert"

Now I'm no groundhog expert so I probably got some of the details wrong. Was going off of memory because I'm too lazy to look up the actual threads.
The ipad thing is from a thread where some guy was talking about how his GF bought him an ipad. I can't recall if she later dumped him, or if other sherdoggers just concluded that she was about to dump him. But either way, from that point on, if someone gives you an ipad you're supposed to expect to be dumped shortly afterwards.

Groundhog expert was actually a funny thread. I can't even remember all the details but basically this guy got one of the facts about groundhogs wrong, and when others pointed it out, he said "f*&ck you, I'm no groundhog expert"
From that point on, whenever you're going to offer your own theory or opinion on anything, you would start by saying "I'm no groundhog expert"

I'm no groundhog expert so I probably got some of the details wrong. Was going off of memory because I'm too lazy to look up the actual threads.

I thought she cheated on him? :icon_conf