Getting tapped at your new belt


Silver Belt
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
I was recently promoted to purple belt. Today I rolled with blue belt from another school, and even though I tapped him, he tapped me back. I know its not a big deal, but its pretty frustrating. You feel like you have to "defend" your new belt or whatever.
i think thats all in your mind, if you were promoted to purple it means you were basically already purple while you were blue, its just made significant by the the fact you've got a new belt, your always learning, and also a belt doesnt always determine skill...
In BJJ when your losing your still learning.
Don't sweat it. You are a new purple. The range of blues are from shitty to really good in certain areas. The belt is just going to motivate you train more and get better.
I haven't been promoted yet so I'm partially talking out of my ass BUT I would imagine that when I do get promoted it'll just give me that extra motivation to train hard and often so I can go from new booty blue to middle of the road blue pretty quickly.

You've got to expect that when you're newly promoted the guys underneath you are gonna tap you from time to time and may even be gunning for you (as in, tap the new purple and show I'm ready to be promoted too). The more you can completely eliminate your ego (when in practice), the better the training IMO.
it is frustrating, all I can say is it's part of the game. Keep training :D
Well it must suck to be a purple belt at my school then because lately I tap at least one of them almost every time I train, and I'm a blue belt. Not really though, they don't get butt hurt over it, they tell me good job and just keep training. Which is what you should do, too. Nobody's gonna take your purple away because you got tapped by a blue. It means he did well, but it doesn't mean you suck. Just try to learn from whatever mistake you made so you don't get caught that same way again.

The worst thing you could do is train too carefully and avoid taking risks because you're afraid of getting tapped by a lower-ranking guy. It's not a competition, it's training. You're supposed to try stuff and take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them.
I'm new to the game but why is it some people think that the little piece of cloth you wear around your waist makes you imprevious to subs from people with different color cloth?

Listen, I'm under no impression that I can submit blues, purples, browns, or blacks all the time but I have caught several blues now and then. In fact, I once caught even a brown in a triangle (that I actually couldn't get him to tap to even after a full minute in it). The fact is I still caught him in the triangle.

Everyone gets caught now and then. And the fact that he was "only one level lower" is not something I think to get worked up about. Now, a black belt getting tapped by a white would be reason to doubt your skills....but a black getting tapped by a brown now and then is not something to get worked up over. So a purple getting tapped by a blue is not a big deal either.
Congrats on the Purple Belt and congrats on getting tapped :)
Its the other way around for me. I'm just a 2 stripe white and when I do happen to catch a blue I don't think any different of it then if than a person that's there on their second day. Its all just practice.
Don't worry about it bro. I'm a purple belt and hell, I get tapped by white belts sometimes. Just keep training man. Jk btw.
In fact, I once caught even a brown in a triangle (that I actually couldn't get him to tap to even after a full minute in it). The fact is I still caught him in the triangle.


If you had him in a proper triangle he would have been out in 8 seconds or less.
congrats on your purple :) can't wait till im there.

maybe that guy should be purple too you never know, you said he was from a different school....

either way you win some.. you lose some atleast he wasn't a white belt, ha
Obviously, there is a big range at every belt level. Consider size, experience, mat time, physical attributes, elite competitors, etc.

There is no problem with doubting yourself over a tap to a "lesser" opponent or training partner--it seems like a natural thing to do. However, considering a wide range of variables outside your control, it's not a big deal at all. If you are a purple who is constantly being bullied by blues, it probably just means they are in their 20's and you're 40 with a family, etc.

If you guys really fear this, you can always self-sandbag by changing gyms frequently, and becoming a permanent blue belt. LOL.
Don't sweat it. You are a new purple. The range of blues are from shitty to really good in certain areas. The belt is just going to motivate you train more and get better.

This. Some blues should still be white for another year, while others can put up fights against upper level purples. Don't sweat it. Heck I've tapped out purples before as a whitebelt, it happens.
When they tie the new belt on, you obtain skills and power that you never had before.

Go back and see if they gave you a defective purple.
