Getting a chic interested in MMA, which fight/s?

It works pretty much the same way as if you would introduce the sport to some random dude. Try to find fights that have some cool stuff in them, like spinning kicks, flying knees, slick submissions etc. Also, I'd guess women would like the drama that is usually build before the fights so some pre-fight shows could do the trick.
go for fighters who are considered good looking or have athletic builds to spark her interest. I here Erick Silva has been voted sexiest UFC fighter by female MMA fans. A lot of girls talk about Roger huerta too, and my gf loves GSP. After that, exiting fights are a must. fights which display every facet of MMA not just stand up or ground wars. WEC is full of these fights and a good UFC example is Chan Sung Jung vs Dustin Poirier. Maybe show Ronda Rousey too but try to show one of the fights where she doesn't actually break someone's arm. I apreciate those are quite hard to find
Lure her in with one of the good seasons of TUF...
My wife can not watch UFC, I either have to watch it on my pc or she has to leave the room when it's on tv :)
She can't stand the violence and people getting hurt. Violence on tv is ok because it's not real, but fighting she can't handle.
I've tried but nothing seems to persuade her and she doesn't like muscly guys, I think she would probably pick Shogun as the prettiest since he's pretty big but not too bodybuilder-like :p
Bendo vs Pettis or any stand up guy who has abs. A lot of new girls lose intrest if they are ground humping all night
Griffin vs Bonnar obviously, Sanchez vs guida close second
My girl had never seen an MMA fight, so I let her see GSP. Instant fangirl. Then coupling that with her first ppv being GSP vs Condit, easy.
My wife loves Bendo. I think she thinks he is hot.

Same thing with Faber.

Mir seems to be a female favorite from what I have noticed too.
Fights with Chael but make sure you let them listen to the shit he says before fights.
Give her the pretty boys. GSP, Shields, etc... Oh, and can't forget Sexyama!
Dont do it man. Let MMA be your thing.

I tried to get my wife into MMA by watching TUF with her. She loves it and watched a lot of fights with me but she blethers on the whole time so now I don't tell her when its on or wait till she's out and watch it myself.

One day you too will be married and be equally as bitter as I am. Deal with it.
Plus.....get this.....her favourite fighter was Brendan fucking Schaub!!!

That just put me over the edge! Fuck that!
let here watch season one of tuf. girls love drama

This. Its all about the drama. You need shit-talking and backstory behind fighters. I think you'd have better success with current storylines too, rather than show old fights you think are awesome.

TUF. Drama city, and watching them would let her see just how good the best are in comparison.

Maybe the Diaz brothers. They're funny and Nate is fighting.

The vids at Thereem are entertaining, and there's a lot of controversy around his entrance into the UFC.

Rampage and Chael are pretty out there.

That'd be a good start. Imo she'll give more of a shit about knowing who is fighting than how good the fights are.
I agree with posters don't get her involved..

For one, most women hate violence.

Secondly, women talk a lot.

So it's more of a way for her to share interest. So as shogun does the "rape choke" and batters gustavson, you guys can talk about how Emily down the street is rude to your woman.

If you really have to, try rousey. She's charismatic, has the belt, is good looking. Fan favorite. Almost perfect timing to get her into MMA.
If you were trying to get a chic interested in MMA, what fights would you recommend? Obviously Bigfoot v Cain or Florian v Guida isnt exactly suitable...

My wife was hooked after GSP/Hughes 2.
KJ Noons vs Josh Thompson


I mean look at these cute boys.

No homo.