Gettin 1 Chinup Bar: Think or Thin?


Blue Belt
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
I think I'm gonna have a chinup bar made.

Should it be thick or thin??? Thick would probably train my grip more but thin might allow for more reps....

Whatta you guys think about the thickness?
If you are having it made, why not put two bars on it?

If it is one bar, you could always make something to put over the bar to make it thicker, anyway. Like pipe insulation, or maybe a PVC pipe sheath.
My pullup bar is 3 1/2 inches around and I wouldn't say its thick, so if you wanted to get one a little thicker I say go for 4 inches around.
You could always duct tape a rolled up towel to make it thicker.
I"d say thinner, because that will allow more reps, and you can always make it thicker. You can put PVC pipe ofer it, you can hang from two rolling thunders, you can duct tape it, put towels over it etc... Once you have a thick bar, short from sand papering it like mad you cannot make it thin anymore.

This will also depend on your priorities. What are you more interested in, grip or back work?
i think if you are getting one made get 2 bars put on it or so that you can exchange them make one with a 1 inch diameter and the other with a 2.5 inch diameter that way you don't have to worry about taping anything to it or trying to modify it later. Also that way it won't look so cheap, it will look decent.
I would definatly go with thick. I have a thick chinup bar that I use and you hands will adjust to it quickly and no longer be a factor. Go with thick.
Think about a thickbar... HAHA! Get it?! Cause he wrote think in the thread title instead of thick! So I said, THINK about a thickbar... HAHAHAHAHAHA I AM FRICKIN HILARIOUS!
Urban said:
Think about a thickbar... HAHA! Get it?! Cause he wrote think in the thread title instead of thick! So I said, THINK about a thickbar... HAHAHAHAHAHA I AM FRICKIN HILARIOUS!

i saw that too. he definitely wrote think.
get thick,

if you're grip aint up to it right now, use straps and do some timed holds with a towel around the bar.

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