George St. Pierre's strength training



I have looked everywhere for specifics on GSP's weight training routine. I have found nothing. Everyone already knows about the routine he used to do from the instructional video. I want to know what he's doing now. I saw an article where it said he does Quads or quad sets. Anybody got more info? The guy is crazy strong.
Are you just curious or do you want to train like him? This will heavily impact the information released.
In before the downhill slide.

Serious answer: You shouldn't be striving to train like GSP, a professional athlete, who has had a routine tailored to his specific needs.
exercises Ive seen GSP do: Pullups, bench press, hurdles, sprinting, plyos with med balls (slams, chest pass)

other exercises Ive seen Jon Chaimberg/guys from that training group do: box jumps, horizontal row-pullups, rope pulls, slide board stuff (for adductors/abductors I think)
If you just want to be strong, don't you think it make more sense to train like a strength athlete? GSP is a strong fighter, but compared to a powerlifter of similar weight, he's not even close.
I'm gonna go with....cause I'm curious. Why does any question asked in these forums have to be scrutinized? Jeez....just a question.
Yeah it was like rotating between two antagonist upper body and lower body movements. John chaimberg his S&C coach actually knows what he is doing.

Yeah it was like rotating between two antagonist upper body and lower body movements. John chaimberg his S&C coach actually knows what he is doing.

trains GSP, Marquardt, Jardine, Carwin, Denis Kang and some others I think..

Ive seen some of his videos floating around on youtube..some really nice ideas and hes obviously getting the results too.
I'm gonna go with....cause I'm curious. Why does any question asked in these forums have to be scrutinized? Jeez....just a question.

Because if you are asking for GSP's program with specifics in mind, that's probably a safe (but by no means 100%) indicator that you want to use that specific program, mimicking GSP workouts. That's why some guys in here will give you some trouble. If you are just starting out, many aspects of his program would most likely not benefit you. Looking to get strong? In that case, you've come to the right place. Looking to find GSP's routine? Google would probably be your best bet.

But, if you are indeed asking simply out of curiosity, here is what I found:

Georges St. Pierre: A Champion's Regime
i dont think theres anything wrong with wanting to know how a fighter trains..

and you can certainly take some of the ideas/methods used and implement them into your own training. you dont need to be a pro fighter to do weighted pullups and medicine ball slams.

also the dude has barely said anything and you guys have put all these words in his mind and made a bunch of assumptions about why he is looking for this information..

try staying out of these threads if youre not going to provide anything useful.
Thanks for all the info....I actually just liked what I heard about how he trains. Wasn't planning on doing his routine...simply like knowing of different methods of training. Always like trying new stuff. Thanks again...
Thanks for all the info....I actually just liked what I heard about how he trains. Wasn't planning on doing his routine...simply like knowing of different methods of training. Always like trying new stuff. Thanks again...

And that's fair. It's one of the reasons there's training logs posted here. There's a big difference between learning from how other people train, and copying their training.
If you just want to be strong, don't you think it make more sense to train like a strength athlete? GSP is a strong fighter, but compared to a powerlifter of similar weight, he's not even close.

Yeah, because bench, deads and squats are the only exercises that count.
