Genetics Changing Understanding Of 'Race'?

Haven't read this entire thread but I just saw the mod note. Serious question- is discussing average iq differences between various races considered racism, even if it's done in a tactful manner?
What is white? Benjamin Franklin had this own ideas.

Benjamin Franklin was alarmed by the influx of German immigrants to Pennsylvania. The German immigrants were lacking in a liberal political tradition, the English language, and English culture. In Paragraph 23 of the essay "Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries", Franklin wrote:

"Why should the Palatine Boors be suffered to swarm into our settlements, and by herding together establish their languages and manners to the exclusion of ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our language or customs, any more than they can acquire our complexion?"

Emerson Professor John Trimbur finds that Franklin’s main concern over the growth of unassimilated Germans is the threat to English culture and language. This becomes racial when Franklin concocts categories of his own invention to deny that Germans are whites. Franklin favored immigration of Anglo-Saxons, who, according to Ormond Seavey, he identifies as the only "White People" among the various peoples of the world. Such views have been condemned as racist in more recent literature.

Have you ever lived in Europe?
Haven't read this entire thread but I just saw the mod note. Serious question- is discussing average iq differences between various races considered racism, even if it's done in a tactful manner?
Historically, on this forum, yes, even though it’s mainstream and not scientifically controversial.
Haven't read this entire thread but I just saw the mod note. Serious question- is discussing average iq differences between various races considered racism, even if it's done in a tactful manner?

Yes, and yes.
Historically, on this forum, yes, even though it’s mainstream and not scientifically controversial.

Its incredibly controversial because said studies arent looking at a particular set of genes, thats why they arent being carried by geneticists.
The number of people who "haven't read the thread".

It's less than five full pages, for christ sake.
No. Asians and Jews are the best. That is, they would be the best, if IQ were actually real. But IQ is totally fake. It is just something white racists made up to justify white supremacy. It's not something anyone should ever research – ever!
You're already ultra boring, man.
Why are the majority of white 'supremacists' seemingly dumb as shit and physically resemble something which couldn't be considered anything less than a complete genetic abomination? I've always found that kind of humorously ironic. How about you find yourself some individualism and self worth, stop piggybacking off the achievements of other men.
Why are the majority of white 'supremacists' seemingly dumb as shit and physically resemble something which couldn't be considered anything less than a complete genetic abomination? I've always found that kind of humorously ironic. How about you find yourself some individualism and self worth, stop piggybacking off the achievements of other men.

Personally, I don't think "white" even qualifies as a race. And there's no such thing as "white culture" either.
Personally, I don't think "white" even qualifies as a race. And there's no such thing as "white culture" either.

Culture is damn difficult to properly define and certainly not something which remains static. I tend to view it in the greater sense as an interwoven combination of laws, language, customs, values and institutions alongside artistic, creative, and intellectual achievements (which somewhat contradicts my last post you quoted). I believe social environment, interest and investment in the aforementioned go a long way in cultivating, preserving and advancing it all the same. Of course, history and its more prominent figures play a very distinct and inseparable role in coming to shape, change and 'define' such an enormous entity so closely related to civilization itself.

As far as "white race" that's still incredibly dubious as it is with any other because it's based on relatively ancient concepts that predate modern science. In terms of genetics, there are the light skin gene variants of SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 as well as a common polymorphism of HERC2/OCA2 responsible for blue eyes that is believed to contribute to blond hair and light skin as well but it needs more research.
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Everybody with a brain already knew this.
IQ is biological racism! People like Jared Taylor (president of American Renaissance) who discuss the relationship between IQ and race – these people are BAD. Don't believe anything they say. IQ does not exist.

Low IQ detected.
No. Asians and Jews are the best. That is, they would be the best, if IQ were actually real. But IQ is totally fake. It is just something white racists made up to justify white supremacy. It's not something anyone should ever research – ever!
Reported for racism.
Its incredibly controversial because said studies arent looking at a particular set of genes, thats why they arent being carried by geneticists.

Rod do you accept that different populations of people have different predispositions for certain genetic diseases, or do you think that's not a legitimate thing in medicine, because the only difference among groups formerly isolated for tens of thousands of years in different ecological climates was their skin color?
Haven't read this entire thread but I just saw the mod note. Serious question- is discussing average iq differences between various races considered racism, even if it's done in a tactful manner?

Per the mods, you can't discuss medical differences among different populations of people (used every day to inform differentials for clinicians) .... because the only difference is skin color. Don't worry @Limbo Pete, I set him straight.
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