WeirdoSmh at the bigotry itt. Gonna go kneel while I watch that musical about a Mexican drug lord who has a sex change and becomes a better person. Got robbed by the academy imo.
this is an absurd position to take, i hope you realize.No I don't actually. It's a distinction without a difference. But also some MEN are abusing it.
lol.And yes, it should be a crime to pretend you're a man when you're not or to pretend you're a woman when you're not and go out on a date with a person who is unaware.
That should be and is a sex crime and should get you on a list for the rest of your life if you won't disclose the truth about your sex before dating or worse any kind of romantic touch.
yeah, some of them kinda are. you have no "right" to know someones birth sex if they are not infringing on you.There are lots of places where the sex of a person just doesn't matter and I don't need to know it. And frankly it's none of my business but locker rooms, changing rooms, sports teams, prisons, shelters, dating sites, etc are not those places.
The trans ideology is going to cause the end of gay marriage.
It has happened and the fact that you don't know it is telling.
And yeah, you're not allowed to wave your cock around but who's there to enforce it? Or even prove you didnt or did once you've traumatized some girl?
it really is pretty simple. make clear that unwanted flaunting of your junk towards others is criminal, no matter where you do it. and enforce it. i don't want to see you waving your dick around either. nor do i want that for my daughters or son......I truly can't recall an instance of that, specifically, but let's steelman your position and assume there are a bunch of cases of trans people running into the women's bathroom waving their dicks around -
Someone is clearly enforcing it, or we wouldn't have all of those examples, right?
Because it's obviously still illegal to wave your dick around the public area of the bathroom, regardless of gender and the framing of the trans position as such is disingenuous at best and propaganda at worst.
Ah the old "why do you care so much"... you guys really never learn.Why are you obsessed with trans and identity politics?
Oh and they don’t? This lil community had the chance to be the forefront, and not shove it down people’s throats, but they just couldn’t help themselves. They poked this bear. Now it’s time to deal with the consequences.Maga's obsession with the lgbtq community is creepy as fuck. Mind your own fuckin business.
The trans ideology is going to cause the end of gay marriage.
You're just falling for weirdo "wedge issue" stuff. Does any of this affect you? Oh no, a trans person exists!Ah the old "why do you care so much"... you guys really never learn.
A better question is why are you guys not dropping this nonsense like it's radioactive, it's the one issue that's completely indefensible and unpopular with both sides of the political spectrum.
I'm not on the left, but if I was I would be doing everything I can to distance myself from this lunacy. Since I'm not on the left, I will obviously shine a big huge spotlight on it for as long as it persists because it's the one issue that makes you guys look most incoherent, most dishonest, and most insane.
Keep doing what you're doing tho.