Gary Oldman - People can be Monstrously Cruel

Takes Two To Tango

The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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"What other people think of me is none of my business."

True dat.

He is right.

I'm still surprised, though I shouldn't be, at how poorly and shit people treat other people unnecessarily.

I mean we are all going through shit in our lives...imagine going through your lowest point and someone random decides that they are going to treat you like shit on top of it all for no reason other than because they think it's funny or they want to show 'I don't give a fuck!'
Heard a lot of people say Gary was a hard man to get along with, especially when he was drinking, so…….

Yes people can be cruel, and not know what they’re talking about. Probably true most of the time. Doesn’t mean some criticism isn’t valid.

Takes a strong person to self reflect and admit to flaws……a lot easier to dismiss it as “well they don’t know what they’re talking about”.
True character is revealed not in the cruelty we endure, but in the choices we make... to be cruel or to be kind.

It is in these deliberate decisions, made before words are spoken, that our true selves are unveiled.
But people think he's awesome.

Wouldn't he want to know that?