Game of Thrones S06E08 Discussion: Hide yo Kids, Hide yo Waif, #HounderleiSilva (no spoilers)

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The blackfish looks like Richard Gere without a gerbil up his ass. You can only hear a story so many times before it has to be true.
man......... i hate the Lannister.

and don't get me started on the Freys, i hope Arya destroy them all
They mention trial by combat then show the Hound

So Arya really was as stupid as can be last episode.
i never read the books, whose sword is in the intro?
There's a sword in the intro? Might have to pay more attention. Usually the music hits and I start shaking like I've been on meth for a week.
Lol welp, fatal stabbing ain't shit
Lol welp, fatal stabbing ain't shit

a fatal stabbing in the modern day is a fleshwound in westeros

Oh good lord do not have guys practice kissing on each other

here comes the hound to kill these assholes
As long as the rest of her body is left untouched Bianca ought to have no problem finding employment.
"those are your last words? Fuck you? You can do better."
- the Hound

Quote of the episode gentleman.
The first taste of violence in this episode was fucking sweet
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