Gaining Weight (Story)


Brown Belt
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Ha! Slowly but surely I am making my way to 160 lbs.! That is my desired weight. I used to weigh 125 lbs. about six months ago and now I weigh in at 140 lbs. I know some of you bigger guys are saying to yourself who cares, but for me this is a big step. I was used to eating like two meals a day and the only exercise I had was BJJ and boxing.

For six months, I have eaten at least every three hours and worked out every other day while doing isometrics every night. I haven't been die hard about it either but it just goes to show you how much a little can do. Now that I have seen results, I am going to push myself a little harder without overdoing it of course.

I plan on taking creatine and glutamine as well as some whey protein supplement. I think my biggest hurdle is motivation but since I've seen my body start to fill out, I couldn't be more motivated. Just wanted to thank you guys. I hardly ever post in here, but I read the stickies and the threads that are suited to me and found a wealth of information. You probably thought it was going to be another I can't gain weight thread but not this time.
My routine looked the same throughout the six months. I was pretty consistent. I did upper body for one day, and lower body for the other day. I know I will have to mix it up sooner or later but it's been working for me so far so I'm sticking with it for now. I've thought about doing upper body/lowerbody/rest so I could work out 5 days a week. As for my diet, I have been eating the hell out of tuna and chicken. I have a constant supply of peanut butter and no joke, I've been drinking about a gallon of milk a day. I have been taking a Centrum multivitamin also.
Congrats man! Keep up the good work. I would recomend trying one of Urban's or Carnal's workouts for beginners. They will definatly help. Good job and we look forward to more gains down the road.
congradulations! ppl dont reilize that beeing really skinny feels just as shitty as being really overweight
KillaKix said:
congradulations! ppl dont reilize that beeing really skinny feels just as shitty as being really overweight

Amen to that brother. Good too see it really works.
Thanks guys. As soon as I hit 160, I am going to post some before and after photos so you can realy see the transformation. It's weird because I'm starting to gain weight in my face too. LOL. I don't look like a malnourished albino Ethiopian now.
I have made up my mind that I'm going to do Urbans workout for beginners on his website. My workout didn't resemble that at all and from what my research has told me, everything he says on there looks to be solid. So, I am going to push myself through it and come out a new man. I hope to gain another 10-15 lbs in another six months or so. Maybe more depending on how much "growing Food" I can stuff my belly with. I have my refridgerator stocked up with Milk, chicken, and eggs. My pantry houses peanut butter, tuna, beef jerky and some of the finest vienna sausages that this ecto-mofo has ever tasted!!