Gaethje:'No one under 185 can beat Khabib.

Lol there's a reason Khabib is ducking guys his size at WW, a division with actual MMA wrestlers.
Except Khabib isnt a big LW

His weight on fight night is normal LW size and there are LWs who weigh heavier than him on fight night like Dustin and Drew Dober.

Think this notion is based on fans wanting Khabib to move up to see him challenged because he is so dominant and his weigh cut troubles early in his career
Tibau's strength was able to negate a lot of Khabibs attempts. An entire weight class of guys that strong wouldn't bode well for him.
So no confidence in a rematch then..

Some competitor..
He was broken the minute he got into the cage. Gaethje epitomizes the "the louder I talk, the less confident I'm feeling".

He was running from Khabib. What made that matchup interesting was that we thought Gaethje would go out and plant his feet in the middle of the octagon. We wanted to see how Khabib would do without the cage. Instead, Gaethje turns into Izzy against Romero.
Just imagine him moving up in welterweight, he will be spending most his time at the fence while getting punch in the face, courtesy of Usman.
LOLOLOLOL seriously terrible troll alt account dude..
Imagine being retarded enough to even suggest , even while being a troll, that Usman would wall and stall Khabib...
Not just taken down once by RDA but multiple times, past prime RDA also had more top control time, yet Colby would somehow ragdoll Khabib lmao. You can't make this up.
Could not agree more.

A young Khabib vs A prime RDA
Just a showcase of Khabibs grappling at 25 years old.

Last 20 seconds of last round. That GnP though
Says a fighter that he and coaches admit can't do shit off the back.

You performed horribly because you are one dimensional.
Suck a sausage.
If they cut, they duck. If they duck, then they are chickenshits. The only exception is the cut to make HW because if they didn't, then they aren't even allowed to fight.
That’s your opinion, nothing more. You don’t know shit about what’s going on in their minds. Neither do I for that matter, but my opinion is that when we’re talking professional MMA fighters, and on top of that the very best on the planet, terms like “ducking” or “scared” are ridiculous and overused. They’re nothing but expressions based on your own opinion about a particular fighter.
I was pretty quick to dismiss his statement, but if you look at the top guys at welterweight, Kamaru, Colby and Gilbert Burns, would be really interesting fights, Usman and Covington have the wrestling and the conditioning to make it a war and Gilbert have the ground game and the striking to give Khabib pontential problems.
The only reason fighters "cut" is to DUCK fighters their size or bigger. Khabib should be fighting at LHW but we all know why he doesn't. The eagle is actually a chicken in disguise.
Wrong. Usman, Colby is ducking khabib. Why then are they not cutting to 155 to face one of the most regarded as the best mma fighter of all time?
Wrong. Usman, Colby is ducking khabib. Why then are they not cutting to 155 to face one of the most regarded as the best mma fighter of all time?
I like what you did there... Reverse psychology.
Lol there's a reason Khabib is ducking guys his size at WW, a division with actual MMA wrestlers.
For every fighter out there there's a couple of these people. Find any way to diminish them.
If that statement of Gaethje was true Khabib would have challenged for the WW title a long time ago.

But why should he? He is an absolute expert in the weight game. He is equal size or even a little bit bigger than Colby.
Why would he not fight at LW if thats easier? He knows that at WW there are quite some wrestling monsters and a loss would not be out of question. It doesnt take anything away from his LW titles but I would at best consider him a top fighter at WW but definitely not instant champ.
Wrong. Usman, Colby is ducking khabib. Why then are they not cutting to 155 to face one of the most regarded as the best mma fighter of all time?

What? You want Usman to kill himself? He could only make 155 by loosing a leg. He is every bit as good in the weight game as khabib but just one weight class higher. As Khabibs absolute limit is lw, Usmans is WW. Colby maybe could do it but honestly isnt it great that some athletes dont play the weight game to the absolute max? Its much more healthy.
Usman, Wonderboy, Colby, Burns... There are quite some people that would be a lot of trouble for Khabib at WW imo.