G&E Charity T-Shirt Contest


Blue Belt
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
CagesideMMA.com wants you to help us design a new Cageside MMA T-shirt!


1. Contest is open to all Sherdog Members

2. Winner will receive $350 worth of gear from CagesideMMA.com

3. Winner will also have $200 donated to a charity of their choice

4. All entries must be received by May 31, 2008

5. E-mail entries in a jpeg or pdf format to [email protected]

6. Entries may be for a front of a shirt or front and back

7. Design must have Cageside MMA integrated into the shirt

8. Designs must be original

9. All entries will be considered and the three best designs will be voted on by Sherdog members in the G & E section

10. Second and Third place will each receive a pair of Cageside MMA shorts

11. Rules are subject to change

Thank you!
Boomer, and Foz of Sherdog.net

Props to you Boomer for this, and Fozzy for endorsing the thread.

If I had any designing skill, I'd be all over it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I don't possess the requisite talent for shirt design. It'll be cool to see what people come up with though, and voting for the winner on G&E, genius idea.
lol..i'd give it a shot...but i seriously cannot come up with anything besides jsut the word cageside MMA on the shirt.

Though, I had some previous ideas....I realized they would turn out to look like crap.

Still, props to you for doing this....i'll see what I can come up with :p
with the prize I'd figured more involvement here, jeeze guys.

Awsome idea, I can't wait to see what sherdog comes up with.
now by original design do you mean your own photography/art or can we take public pictures and photshop the crap out of them?
now by original design do you mean your own photography/art or can we take public pictures and photshop the crap out of them?

You can do what ever you'd like, we just don't want you stealing someone elses design and calling it your own.


Keep the entries coming!

can we choose what we get of the $350 worth?

Absolutely! I only ask that if you are out of the USA that you choose items that are not too heavy/bulky (Heavy bag stands and the like).

Thanks Pheng,


EDIT: Contest is over, Vu has won.:D

(Yes, I am joking)

thanks for the clarification. I already have a few designs in mind. Will get right on it cause I am a gear whore.
but but but I want the heaviest item ever! a stuffed Emanuel Yarrborough plush doll!? you will carry that won't you??!?!?

What a great contest (especially the charity aspect). Thanks a lot for doing this guys. Shit, I have ZERO graphical skills whatsoever and I entered something. Download Gimp and give it a try guys!
I'm gonna send a few things in.

Just wondering, by integrating Cageside MMA into the shirt do you want the cage side logo integrated per se or just the name "Cageside mma" possibly?