Full body workout,but without the basics?


Blue Belt
Apr 9, 2011
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I'm a newbie,I haven't done almost any weight training in the past few months (not that I've done anything too serious before that) and want to get back in the gym,but with a new training plan.The last one I followed was 3 days/week - arms,chest,back+legs.Now I want a full body workout,which I'm going to do 2-3 times a week.Right now all I do is bodyweight exercises,but being a small guy and training with people 15 to 90+ lbs heavier than me,I sense a lack of strenght.Judo training is usually on Tuesday,Thursday and Friday and I'm thinking of doing weight training on Monday,Wednesday and probably Saturday,leaving Sunday for rest.I think I can spend around 60-90 min. max in the gym.The catch?Due to health reasons I can't and don't want to do deadlifts,barbell rows,any squats with weight and pretty much anything putting too much strain on my hips,knees and SI joints.Any ideas?I'm open for suggestions,anything is helpful when you know nothing,right? :icon_chee
Do you have a preexisting condition where you can't put pressure on the joints you listed or is it just being cautious?
Maybe you should check with a doctor you can confide in with your secret medical condition, and see what he clears you to do.

It makes little sense to come in here and ask advice conforming to medical restrictions you won't describe.

You: "I want a workout tailored to certain conditions, none of which I will reveal. All I will say is that I will not do any of the things you typically suggest to be the staples of a helpful workout."

Us: "???"
No,not a secret at all,I just didn't think naming the condition matters,since I mentioned my problematic joints,but OK - it's ankylosing spondylitis,affecting periferal joints along with minor spine stiffness.I hope this helps.
Not sure what you want people to tell you. If you can't do weights just keep doing bodyweight stuff. Hit up some harder exercises like pistol squats, ring flies and ring dips, pull ups with legs raised, levers, wrestling bridges, etc. Plus start eating more. You'll gain some size from this.