

It’s Showtime!
Apr 24, 2010
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Would you say you have lot of friends? What is true friendship in your eyes? Is it easy for you to become friends with others? I grew up with very few friends and the people I knew in high school I are acquaintances at best if I bump into them.

I couldn't really find a social circle in high school and just spent the majority of my time in the library my senior year. I was invited once to a party but delcined. Why? I wasn't sure myself but a part of me felt like it was a pity invitation. I was really socially awkward and just couldn't connect with people. I "hanged" out with a group of people during my junior year during lunch and they would always make plans. I would talk and joke with them but I felt I just didn't belong as they never really aknowledged me as part of their group. I realize now that friendship is a valuable thing. Friendship can last a lifetime and they create great memories. Maybe one day I'll make a few good friends...Or I'll just die alone... Hahaha....
Interesting, me and one of my good friends were having this conversation the other day over a few beers

I stand by the statement that I have numerous acquaintances (people that I hang out with sometimes and are cool/friendly with) but I don't consider this group of people to be true friends

As far a real friends (Dudes that I know have my back through thick and thin) I only have a small group of around 8 people that I would actually consider my real friends

Also I find it very very difficult to connect with another person on an emotional level so I consider my true friends to be invaluable to me, although I find it very easy to connect with people on a casual level I have serious trouble making emotional connections which has really been a problem in my romantic relationships in the past

And TS chin up buddy you'll find some true friends sooner or later, one of the keys is to just be yourself bc it will attract people to you that like you for who you are making it easier to find "potential friends" and if not you always got your sherbros
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Hell no, have one that i trust and would call a friend cause we both been on the shit end of some criminal stuff. And a cousin i grew up with who's more a friend then two actual brothers.

Every one else is just a person that happens to live their live in or near my vicinity nothing more.
Got 5 close friends, and the rest are work and networking acquaintances.

I don't do well with a lot of friends. Never have the time to actually go out much, so what's the point?
"Friends" are those people you
smoke a bunch of PCP with in
a motel 6 in oakland, right?

Have like 5 close friends and a ton of others I see out and hang with.
I wasn't very outgoing growing up but seemed to make very strong connections with particular people. So I have a handful of people who I consider dear friends.

I've been pretty slack about staying connected and it's something I've recently resolved to work on.

I have a lot of people I'm friendly with. But people that I'm actually good friends with, very few.
Vagina > friends

I really only have a few close friends though, and my girl. I also consider my siblings my friends as well as I have 2 younger brothers and a younger sister. We're all pretty close.
I have a cat.
And TS chin up buddy you'll find some true friends sooner or later, one of the keys is to just be yourself bc it will attract people to you that like you for who you are making it easier to find "potential friends" and if not you always got your sherbros
Thanks dude. Yeah, since I joined the army I've opened up more to people. And I think I may have made "friends" and they're pretty cool people. Maybe I'm doing something right?

"Friends" are those people you
smoke a bunch of PCP with in
a motel 6 in oakland, right?
I've never been able to make that connection with people, usually just stick to pleasantries at work and barely talk at all when training, so yeah ill die a friendless hermit, but hey there are worse fates outhere.
My only real friends passed away. I really can't see myself making new friends like the ones I used to have. I'll just get another dog.
I have few very close friends and that's all I can stand. Three, I'd say
I have maybe 8 really good friends but most of them live in different places these days so I barely see most of them but still keep in touch.

Vagina > friends

I disagree.
My only real friends passed away. I really can't see myself making new friends like the ones I used to have. I'll just get another dog.
I'm sorry