News French WW Kevin Jousset signed to the UFC

They pass up on Lazy King and Doumbe, but sign this guy?

Best promotion in the world
Lets sign a French Welterweight. Lets not get Lazy King or Baki, lets get this fucking guy.

Fucks sake.
Lazy King is not french (not yet), he only has russian nationality. I think that was the main issue for signing him (complicated with visas at the moment).
Doumbe got an offer, it just was a shitty low ball one.
Baki is still young and green, he can use a couple more fights and years before jumping in the UFC WW meatgrinder.

But yeah...weird signing. Never heard of that guy until a month ago.
Isn't the name 'du plessis' of french origin ?
Du Plessis is an african citizen but there is no way people would believe him if he says " I am an african, cant you see that?"ès_Ziam

He was literally born in France.

Keep your racist dogwhistles to yourself, you absolute bellend.
Please behave your self like a gentlemen when you write, ok?
Kevin doesn't sound like a French name. I'm suspicious...
Apparently it was a very popular boy's name in France in the early nineties (due to Kevin Costner and Home Alone), but now everyone makes fun of Kevins.

That's probably why Jousset moved to Australia TBH.