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In a long standing warroom tradition, I've created this thread for people to admit that they were wrong about the election. It's over, its been called, certification is by the end of the month, and the court cases aren't going to change the outcome.
I learned my lesson about bold predictions in 2016, and now it's your turn. Joe's president. So come in, admit your error, and try not to be like any of the following in the future:
@xxxfrankb @EL CORINTHIAN @columbo
I learned my lesson about bold predictions in 2016, and now it's your turn. Joe's president. So come in, admit your error, and try not to be like any of the following in the future:
I said nothing about “winning the vote”. The only votes that matter are electoral votes. This is the way. And the way is just. Tune in November 3rd for another civics lesson in American politics.
I love how you cowards are already hedging your bets, pretending you were only arguing for a popular vote win. You know Decomposing Joe is going to suffer a thunderous defeat on Tuesday, and there’s nothing you or any of your leftwing pals can do about it.
Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! We coulda won if only we’d been allowed to change the rules! Waaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!
You still don’t understand how the electoral college works. You’ll get another lesson on Election Day when Trump wins. Again. Regardless of how many morons in California vote for Decomposing Joe.
Weekend at Biden’s ends on November 3rd.
Liked by:Just show up here again when this is all over and apologize to everyone for your obnoxious, overbearing, smug, condescending, ignorant bleating about the polls, which everyone with half a brain knows are wrong, even more wrong than they were in 2016. Trump is going to win big.
2020 will be the year Americans, once again, make their stand and deliver a thundering defeat to the godless, soulless, corrupt, evil socialist thugs in the Democrat party, to their brainless sycophants in the mainstream media, and to the jackboot, Brownshirt thugs who support them.
@xxxfrankb @EL CORINTHIAN @columbo
You still don’t understand how the electoral college works. You’ll get another lesson on Election Day when Trump wins. Again. Regardless of how many morons in California vote for Decomposing Joe.Just take the L that your source is a super biased tweeter just putting provocative stuff out there to give attention to his books to hopefully pick up a few sales with his targeted audience.
Weekend at Biden’s ends on November 3rd.
What will help you sleep after our great president is re-elected for 4 more years?
It is, and I think he will win more states this year than in 2016. But we're still going to have to hear about muh Russia and how Trump is an "illegitimate" president.
But Drumpf! Orange Man Bad!
It's going to be another long 4 years for you.
Get ready for another 4 years of setting dumpster fires and shouting at the sky in impotent, petulant fury. Spend another 4 years on your knees, spitting on our flag, destroying our cities. Real Americans are going to make their stand on November 3rd and deal a thundering defeat to your godless ideology. Again.
Real Americans stand for the flag and kneel only to the one true king, Jesus Christ.
Absolutely. @ me and apologize personally for your ignorance when Trump is re-elected tomorrow.
Please be here on November 4th. I don’t care what you say, just be here. Cry so hard for me about muh Russia, evil Republicans, Orange Man Bad, raycissm, whatever. Choose one, choose all. Just be here.
When he does win again, please don't whine about "muh Russia" for 4 more years, okay? Just accept the results like a man and move on.
Trump will win big, and you won’t show your face here tomorrow.
trump is going to win bigly my friends. Do not be afraid.
I’m not “obsessed” with tomorrow, but we will likely know tomorrow night how badly Joe lost. All over but the crying.
I just underestimated how stupid/racist this country is” will indeed be the lib fall back position. Book it. No room for self-reflection there.
Be sure to @ me tomorrow night so i can laugh at you specifically. I have way too many people to laugh at already and I don’t want to miss any.
then I’ll laugh at you the next day?And if it is not done tomorrow night?
don’t worry, they’ll all still be here after Trump wins. They’ll just be falling back on something along the lines of “I just underestimated how stupid the people of this country are” so they can retain their stature above all those stupid people who don’t agree with them instead of doing some self-reflection. Book it.
I hope all those libs I wanted to laugh at @ me as requested so I can just have one giant laugh instead of having to spread it around multiple threads.
Me being right, yet again:
Meh. I figured Hillary would do that in 2016 but she just slinked off back to her cave.
Biden will be relieved when he loses. He doesn't want to be president. He will just slink off too.
Nope. Trump wins again guaranteed.
Into office? Biden is a joke; he's someone you'd pick if you wanted to lose by a mile.
going to be a long four years for you guys
yes it will be 320 plus in electoral votes and he'll win the popular vote as well
People thought Joe Biden/Kamala Harris was a winning ticket.
I hear you, but my data points to 299 easy for Trump. We're good, man.
Wow. Trump did it again! It's over. Just a matter of when they will admit it. lol
I think they just didn't want to let him win it tonight and have his moment. Stopped counting when he was clearly going to win. lol
Should know within hours, I'd think. Only delaying the inevitable at this point. Trump won. It's over.
So petty. Can't be adults and admit Trump won. Didn't want to give him that victory. But they can all eat a dick.
C'mon, man!
It's over. Trump won reelection, my man.
-He was right about Trump in 2016
-He was right about Biden being The opponent 2 years ago
-He was right about Kamala being the VP pick 1 year ago
-He was right about the impeachment being a nothing-burger
-and he predicts Trump will win in 2020
you haven't been right about anything for 4 years(probably longer)
Put any number you want on it, Trump draws massive crowds all over the country. Yesterday he had 5 rallies and they were all packed. I don't see how Joe isn't about to get bodied.
He will dominate to reelection
that is extremely evident
He will win again, thankfully. These polls are brought to you by the people who said he had zero chance against Hillary
listen to this turd lol and people wonder why trump became president ... Pennsylvania in the bag
162363886Bobulinski is talking to tucker right now and putting the final nail in the coffin of biden’s campaign.. Rest In Peace ‘big guy’
lol looks like the left are prematurely spiking the ball .. carry on
Fox News is lying to either protect media bullshit or prolong people watching.
Trump wins Michigan. That’s it. More than last time which I knew by the signs and enthusiasm. Call Michigan.
What’s going to happen is trump wins and dems pretend it was crooked even though they just lying, and they rile up their insane base even more.
You can reconcile with people that were wrong for what?
God you guys sound stupid. When trump wins are you going to apologize for not supporting him? Do you realize how you sound?
All these maps with Biden winning![]()
It's Harris.
GG Trump wins.
this thread has been nothing BUT bait to distract from the actual hunter scandal, with the mods fucking constantly lurking to pick off anyone who isn't voting right.
I'm done. this board is a fuckin safe space now because Trump is about to win and libs don't want to hear it.
Let's recap
The mods only work for one side
Your old man kiddie toucher and hisson are going down.
Trump 2020 fuck this shit board
Uh huh get fucked when Trump wins prick
It's funny seeing the anti Trump side putting their thoughts out there as if they're the calm, logical ones lol. This delusional arrogance is entertaining at least.
Real data and metrics have indicated a 1 point lead on the popular vote.
Screen capture this.
Trump landslide and the globalists will feel the mighty force of the American PAX ROMANA!!!
>you are here