Oh wow... so if one extreme doesn't work, surely the other extreme is the correct choice by default, isn't it? Even a 3 year old having Goldilocks read to them understands that this is illogical.
UFC fighters can absolutely receive reasonable rate of pay so that they can afford to fully dedicate themselves to the sport. This would lead to higher quality fights (and more revenue for the UFC) because many potentially great fighters are not going to risk their livelihood to pursue a career with an extremely low likelihood of success. Even the tippy top MMA fighters make peanuts compared to other sports so why risk it? There's a reason we're not seeing college wrestlers dominate the UFC anymore and it's not a cliche like "the sport has evolved"... it's because you can make a better living using your degree than you can taking a shot at being a D level pro athlete.
It is very hard to believe the hype that we're seeing "the very best fighters of the world" when the majority of the fighters in the top promotion still have full time jobs outside of MMA. However, since the UFC has convinced everyone that they still showcase high quality talent, they can continue underpaying athletes plucked from developing countries and most people won't know the difference.
If you actually need any convincing that the UFC doesn't care about their fighters, remember that they prevent fighters from obtaining lucrative sponsorships of their own and instead, force them to represent sponsorship deals where they are paid pennies on the dollar while the UFC makes hundreds of millions of dollars. Mighty Mouse losing his X Box money so the UFC can shill the horrible Reebok uniforms was next level scum bag behavior and a deliberately malicious move to control fighters. They didn't have to pay a CENT extra to fighters to allow them to get sponsors... they just took money right off of their plates.
Monopolies are never a good thing... but Matt Brown got kicked in the fact for a living so I wouldn't expect him to say anything intelligent