Media Former UFC heavyweight Greg Hardy knocked out again in Moscow boxing match

He's been starched a few times now since leaving the UFC, and this is the second time in boxing that he got sent through the ropes. Plus it looks like he outweighed that guy by 75 lbs.
Also why are people still calling this guy a wife beater?

Wasn't he proven to have been defending himself? I remember even Dana defending him from media at the time when he was initially signed to the UFC

Fuck no he wasn't proven to be defending himself. He was found guilty, then later it was overturned because she didn't show up to court. He "reached a settlement" with her (bought her off). Deadspin released the pics of her and he beat her up. Chucked her on a pile of guns apparently, choked her, and said he was gonna kill her. She was like 120 lbs and he's a 290 lb elite NFL defensive lineman..."defending himself" from her LOL?

You're surprised Dana would defend a guy he just signed to the roster? A higher profile guy no less? Are you serious?