For those Interested in applied Boxing technique.


Doctor of Doom
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Feb 22, 2005
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I saw this in the Boxing forum, and it's actually one of the better videos I've seen. I've done some myself as anyone who has searched the threads started by me noticed. But I see we don't get a lot of things like this in Stand-up. So later on today I'm going to be doing one specifically for you guys who frequent here. But anyhow, that being said, I know a lot of you who are looking to improve your hand-skills are interested in Boxing and knowing the Art. I can't think of a better example than this man, who is in my opinion probably the best technician to ever fight in terms of accuracy, conditioning, punches not being wasted, aggression, controlling the ring, and being able to fight moving forward and backwards. Plus, he demonstrates some techniques I noticed that would translate well to MMA, for instance:

- He flurries a lot. If you get close to him he goes into auto-punch mode without hesitation. It's my contention that the ONLY thing that holds back stylists in MMA is hesitation, second-guessing techniques for fear of being taken down. I don't think that applies to this man.

- Leverage. If you notice the way he stands when he punches his legs are pretty solid. So if you shot on him I think he could be trained to easily sprawl-and-brawl.

- Circling. Watch a couple of times when other fighters try to rush him he side-steps and turns around, when they turn around they run right smack into his punches.

There's also footage of him training. I've said about this man that if you look up "prize fighter" in the dictionary, it'll be his picture.

So without further ado, the great, "Sugar" Ray Robinson (video done by Capt.)

And while we're at it:

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Yeah, and like I said I think by watching his body movements, hand-speed, leverage, and his fearless approach I think he's one of the best models to look at in-terms of how to effectively box in MMA. You throw like Robinson, with bad intentions on your punches, and the kind of physical ability he worked hard for, you'll hurt suckas wether they're strikers or grapplers.
That video was AWESOME. Thanks KK! What a demon he was.

I was surprised how little he seemed to box technically -- no jabbing, parrying, stuff like that. Just went in and bombed the opponents out with flurries of fast, crushing, looping punches. The kind of boxing that you need RJJ type physical gifts to pull off successfully.
What weight was he usually? He looks light, and hes lightning fast.
Sugar Ray Robison is the REAL Sugar Ray.
What weight was he usually? He looks light, and hes lightning fast.

I think he fought at Middleweight if I'm not mistaken.

I was surprised how little he seemed to box technically -- no jabbing, parrying, stuff like that. Just went in and bombed the opponents out with flurries of fast, crushing, looping punches. The kind of boxing that you need RJJ type physical gifts to pull off successfully.

The thing is Zank, I think he was more technically sound than Roy ever was, just that he did what he could in the ring. Everything they show from Sugar's training is straight out of "how-to's" of Boxing, and he throws jabs in his Shadowboxing and on the training equipment. But in those days you REALLY had to make a stink to be considered someone really special, not like now where every young fighter thinks he's something he'd get in there and kill the dudes. But all of his movement is really sound and he doesn't pull the Roy Jones break-dancing kind of crap in the ring. lol
A great fighter. Props to Capt for getting all this old footage.
The Great, Sugar Ray Robinson.
Wow, never thought that I would see his highlight.

Although not as great as Sugar Ray R, still one of the greats, Sugar Ray L.
definitely deserves the title "Sugar."

But am I the only one who thinks that Sugar S. M. don't really deserve the
title "Sugar?"
Zankou said:
That video was AWESOME. Thanks KK! What a demon he was.

I was surprised how little he seemed to box technically -- no jabbing, parrying, stuff like that. Just went in and bombed the opponents out with flurries of fast, crushing, looping punches. The kind of boxing that you need RJJ type physical gifts to pull off successfully.

It's true that Sugar R.R.'s technique doesn't seem that knit in today's standard.
People say, "I can see no difference between Sugar R.R.'s movement and today's

However, if you compare Sugar R.R.'s opponents with Sugar R.R., you will know
why he's one of the the greatest - or arguably the greatest - boxer in the history.

Boxers in Sugar R.R.'s time really didn't use that much of left, and steps were
absent compared to today's boxing. It was closer to brawling, and bareknuckle

However, Sugar R.R. came in! See, it's true that he doesn't seem that much
different with today's boxers, but he transcended boxing at that time...
he was literally decades, and decades, and decades, and decades ahead of
other boxers.

That's what makes him so special.

He was ahead of time (by large margine) and delivered the style of next
century in his time.

A true genius with a heart of lion.

Sugar Ray Robinson was the greatest before Ali.
yeah most mma guys move in straight lines..which is partly y they get taken down so easily and why they get hit so easily...ex sell v quarry...sell moved straight back..pulling his head back, quarry missed w/ ashort right and hit him w/the followup right or vice/versa. Had sell backed up and spun out he never gets dropped w/tht shot. An if u watch when rizzo fought couture, he would sprawl and spin to the side a litte to clear his legs and put randy off balance opening him up for counters... if mma guys worked on their footwork, their td def and standup def/off would be alot better.

ur right about the flurries the strikers who have the most success pulver/edwards/baroni/silva/liddel/ rizzo are not afraid of being tied up thrown or taken down; they just come out and establish their standup, by being hesitant or unwilling to open up u open urself up to strikes and to takedowns. Most strikers..just circle and paw at their when the guy rushes or shoots they try to grapple w/them instead of catching them coming in w/strikes.. once they get in a certain range u make them pay..don't let them get comfortable and shoot or clinch..make them pay

great post
i remember seing ali saying something like "I am the best heavyweight of all time, SRR is the best boxer of all time"