Colby is just your typical MAGA Troll on Facebook, we've all seen it before. Boring. Just say/do whatever for shock value. Next he will come out as a Brony and Juggalo - anything to make someone cringe and say "Yuck, dude!". We all know one of those guys "smell my finger". Worse ever, he wants to impress people... like... "If I were rich, I would also have pornstar threesomes. You aren't any particular quality, you're just a rich dweeb". This dude is like Eric Cartman with less maturity.
T-Ferg is more natural with his words and tries to come off real instead of as a caricature. However, he also comes off as someone who doesn't have a lot of interesting things to say. He's the guy at a party that when he talks it's all either "it happened!" stories, or long drunk tangents that leaves everyone thinking "okay dude, please pass out drunk now...". I liken him to Kyle except instead of giving "here's why I am right" speeches, he just rants on and on.