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Soid said:
Hmm my gi stinks after using it in one day, having it in my bag riding the subway, and getting home. I don't know if my sentence makes sense but to sum it up.. my gi fucking stinks after a day. Doing that 4 times a week, my gi will smell like shit. You might not think your gi smells like shit (same thing I say when I throw a fart and people act like they want to vomit) but I'm sure others feel your gi smells like shit. It's not a beauty pageant, but rolling with someone who has a stink gi and ignores mat etiquette isn't a good learning experience for your training partners.

This is in support of the above post:

If you have a smelly gi I'm going to tell you. I don't want to train Jiu Jitsu withh someone who is in dirty-smelly workout cloths. I don't know either of you guys so I can't say for sure wehther your gi smells after one use. I will say that after most training sessions my gi (pannts and jacket are very wet). This is also true for most of the people I train with. My gi would be smelly without a wash and I think that most peoples' would as well (well some girls never seem smell). You really should wash your gi. If your not going to wash gi, then at least hang it up to air out and dry. Maybe it won't smell so bad.

Maybe I'm just a pussy about this, but I sense I'm one of many.

Hmm my gi stinks after using it in one day, having it in my bag riding the subway, and getting home. I don't know if my sentence makes sense but to sum it up.. my gi fucking stinks after a day. Doing that 4 times a week, my gi will smell like shit. You might not think your gi smells like shit (same thing I say when I throw a fart and people act like they want to vomit) but I'm sure others feel your gi smells like shit. It's not a beauty pageant, but rolling with someone who has a stink gi and ignores mat etiquette isn't a good learning experience for your training partners.[Hmm my gi stinks after using it in one day, having it in my bag riding the subway, and getting home. I don't know if my sentence makes sense but to sum it up.. my gi fucking stinks after a day. Doing that 4 times a week, my gi will smell like shit. You might not think your gi smells like shit (same thing I say when I throw a fart and people act like they want to vomit) but I'm sure others feel your gi smells like shit. It's not a beauty pageant, but rolling with someone who has a stink gi and ignores mat etiquette isn't a good learning experience for your training partners.

No, other people don't think my gis smell like shit. It's not like I'd let them be wet in my bag 24/7, I'll hang them to dry in an electric sauna which isn't on or to the balcony.