Flipping tyres in sand


Purple Belt
Sep 20, 2007
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I don't know if ive seen this before, but i have been flipping tyres in sand for a while now and i must say its the most intense workout ive ever done!

You guys should give it a try!

Also, i have some ancient Spartan workout regime photocopies that my cousin gave me from Greece, i should be able to translate the whole thing and maybe post it on here.
/me imagines spartans flipping chariot wheels.

I need to get my hands on a tractor tire, though I don't have a damn clue how I'd get it home...
borrowed pickup FTW!
/me imagines spartans flipping chariot wheels.

I need to get my hands on a tractor tire, though I don't have a damn clue how I'd get it home...
borrowed pickup FTW!

Just roll it home...

Or flip it the whole way:icon_twis
I flip tires on ice

*falls on face*
Every time I see a piece of construction equipment I want to take its tires. When you've got a hammer everything is a nail. I wonder if I can get my friend to drive me around and help me pick up a tire this summer.
Every time I see a piece of construction equipment I want to take its tires. When you've got a hammer everything is a nail. I wonder if I can get my friend to drive me around and help me pick up a tire this summer.

Contact JM Tire International, the repair and service all the construction and quarry equipment in the GTA. I keep seeing their trucks on the highway filled with tires from like 300 - 900 lbs... it pains me to not flip them
I found another tyre today and took the bastard home, i estimate it weighs maybe 500 kilos.
KG??? Thats a big fucking tire? can you flip it?

I found out that the tyre is a 400 kilo one, from one of the diesel machanics that work out in the mines out here, so i will attempt to flip it today and see how i go.
Eh? Good luck with that :D
I'm not expecting too many flips...
Yeah, good luck with flippin that beast.
I got a free tire today. Truck tire found on the side of road, brand new still has the damn paint stripes on the tread. But I do work out tin the middle of country bumpkin land. It was either I take it and use it or it ends up in a landfill.
I must admit I never thought I would look at tires with hunger to either beat them senseless or flip them over. But thems the breaks.
I found out that the tyre is a 400 kilo one, from one of the diesel machanics that work out in the mines out here, so i will attempt to flip it today and see how i go.

im throwing up just thinking about using that tire for conditioning
Sand flip was one of the events at Tayon's last comp.

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