

White Belt
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
i just started boxing training about a month now and i sparred for the first time and i had a problem with flinching. is this normal or does it go away with practice ? the coach said he was gonna get rid of it.
That is totally normal. You will get used to it after a while. Just keep training!
Yeah, most everyone flinches when they first start, it's a natural reaction. The more you have punches thrown at you the more used to it you'll get and eventually you'll stop flinching.
Absolutely normal. There would be something wrong with a human being who doesn't instinctively flinch when he's about to get hit. As you spar more and gain experience you'll learn to suppress that instinct and eventually it will go away and you won't even have to think about it.
Yeah it's fine, you just need to get hit more ;). I was a big flincher when I started boxing, but I don't anymore :)
Eventually it will turn from flinching to slipping, ducking, dodging, etc.. Just keep training and don't be self-conscious.
Dude I had the same problem for atleast the first several months of training, and it still happens occasionally when I see a huge punch barreling my way, I usually kinda put my hands up close my eyes, tuck my chin and brace for impact. I know, definitely a bad habbit but its going away slowly.
try going to a pool looking in the water and chopping your hand in the water so water splashes in your eyes and dont close your eyes at all
bejak said:
try going to a pool looking in the water and chopping your hand in the water so water splashes in your eyes and dont close your eyes at all

What is this, some ancient chinese techniques over here?
you just need to get hit enough to be unafraid of being hit
grchrampage said:
i just started boxing training about a month now and i sparred for the first time and i had a problem with flinching. is this normal or does it go away with practice ? the coach said he was gonna get rid of it.

No worries there, it is a natural reaction. You will get used to it.
yea i just started training standup as well and i have the same problem...this thread made me feel alot better though!!!
We all flinch man, its natural, you have to learn to work with your flinch for countering
I have been sparring for a little while now and have gotten a lot better at parrying. Just knowing that I can deflect a punch or kick that I see coming helps a lot.
I'm sparring tonight. We have a huge dude in our class that is about 5 or 6 inches taller (at least) than me and out-weighs me by close to 150 lbs. He's a very good boxer, and my kicks don't do a lot against him. It's very hard for me not to flinch when we fight, and sometimes I even turn away to try to get away. Big mistake, I know, but it's very intimidating.
Everybody starts at zero and works their way up. You aren't born knowing how to defend yourself properly. Flinching is part of learning because it's natural when you first start to get hit, even when your sparring partner is babying you. Don't worry about it.
Nothing wrong with flinching guy. It will go away eventually, so don't feel stupid or anything for flinching when you've only been training for a month and now had your first sparring session.
Keep at it and it and you'll get used to it.

dude same here. I use to have the same problem, but with more sparring I slowly got out of the habit.