

Blue Belt
Aug 19, 2003
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This thread could possibly go in the techniques forum but after reading a thread about eddie bravos book and my use of it
im looking for ways to get more flexibility - although my flexibility has improved greatly from stretching regularly does anyone know of a good website to improve flexiblity or specific movements for eddie bravos style of JJ thanx in advance
do a search on google under "stretching" and "flexibility"
that may help

maybe some yoga
pnf, contract/relax, search function
Not trying to be a prick, but their are a lot of good threads here detailing the best ways to improve flexibility
static stretching is not this (the faster way to gain flexibility) IMO
I would be carefull with the yoga unless you go to a studio. Yoga is a real tricky thing with body postions to get the full effect. Watching a dvd or a book can give basics but some of the positions you really have to know what you doing to get them correct or have a teacher wacthing. You would be amazed at the difference that simply turning a hip or angle of a leg can totally change a yoga pose. I get free classes at my job and I've also got some dvds. I pretty much gave up in the dvd's. There was no one there to let me know I was turning too much or not enough and I wasn't gettting any better on the dvd's.
the best way to gain flexability is constant stretching, stretch at least two or three times a day. Whe you wake up, before you go to bed, and if you are working out. It is definatly better if you are warmed up when you stretch
I'll say it again, even though people have bagged me out on other threads.
Yoga will get you flexible, but look into PNF, contract/relax stretching for AWESOME gains.
Please don't flame me again. I'm not saying yoga is bad in any way. Yoga is AWESOME. But for the quickest way to gain flexibility contact relax is the way to go. You need a partner for some, but a lot can be done by yourself.
I have an ebook around 250kb I can upload if someone can show this computer illerate critter how
Find a contortionist coach and youll be pulling stunts like this in no time.

One hump or two?
Damn, here I was thinking my gal was flexy
I'm moving from dancers to contortionists.
Hang on, can they move their hips like dancers
Hula hoop gals are in contention too
Gsoares2 said:
Find a contortionist coach and youll be pulling stunts like this in no time.

One hump or two?

Oh man... I'm confused whether this excites me or freaks me out.
That does not look real. Hmmm. Something seems oddly out of whack there.
How come her vag has it's own pedestal like that?

Yoga is good. I got into doing yoga when I was quite young and have maintained my flexibility quite well, I've even improved a little and can do the splits legs out now. The breathing exercises also help for maintain your cool while defending choke attempts or uncomfortable positions.
When you are Strethching you should do it for atleast 20 minutes. Also you need to stretch alot. To be flexible you need to get to the ligaments to have a better range of motion. Ligaments are like taffy, they need to be warm to get good results and once they are stretched to a certain length they will retain it. Then again there is the obstacle of being muscle bound where you can't even scratch yourself that could be a problem. Injuried suck too especially chronic ones.

ClubberLange said:
I'll say it again, even though people have bagged me out on other threads.
Yoga will get you flexible, but look into PNF, contract/relax stretching for AWESOME gains.
Please don't flame me again. I'm not saying yoga is bad in any way. Yoga is AWESOME. But for the quickest way to gain flexibility contact relax is the way to go. You need a partner for some, but a lot can be done by yourself.
I have an ebook around 250kb I can upload if someone can show this computer illerate critter how

go on rapidshare.de
click browse
select your ebook file
click upload
on the bottom of the page is a "Download-Link". Give us that.
When you are Strethching you should do it for atleast 20 minutes. Also you need to stretch alot. To be flexible you need to get to the ligaments to have a better range of motion. Ligaments are like taffy, they need to be warm to get good results and once they are stretched to a certain length they will retain it. Then again there is the obstacle of being muscle bound where you can't even scratch yourself that could be a problem. Injuried suck too especially chronic ones.

Please, whatever you do, do not listen to this guy ^^^^

Stretching ligaments is OK, if you're 7 years old.

Stretching is crap, and most stretches are crap. You don't improve flexibility by "stretching" anything, and most certainly not your ligaments (which deform and result in loose and injury-prone joints and lead to arthritis).

Flexibility training is teaching your muscles to relax. This can be done by relaxed (no pain) stretching, but is much better done by strength training such as isometric and PNF stretches and full ROM exercises.
hey could i get some laymans terms on this? its confusing...

edit- nm, ill read. scientific stretching. should i take it as gospel?
I practice yoga, mainly Asthanga.
It has helped me.