I drink plain water. After training I might have a Gatorade to replenish electrolytes but that's about it. As for vitamin water, flavored water or any of that other crap it's all a gimmick.
I dropped artificial sweeteners awhile back, not because of any scientific findings but rather common sense. The word "artificial" is a clue. Why do I need another man made product in my body? I have no clue what they may find in the next ten years...maybe good maybe bad. Screw it, for the little or no sugar I use I'm better off using the real stuff, at least it's natural. I don't eat cake/cookies or sweets except every once in a great while (rarely) and I take my coffee black. "Sometimes" I'll put two sugar packets in my coffee but that's it. For that small amount why use some shit that I have no clue what it is? Besides the fact that if I thought it would save me calories I might end up using more in my coffee and eating more cake and junk thus more of the artificial crap...and around it goes!
When I go to the supermarket I try to stay on the outer rim. Out there it is all natural: Fruit, veggies, dairy and meat. No labels or ingredients, no processed stuff just natural. In the isles is all the man made junk. I'm not a health nut as I do eat other things but I try to do the best I can, when I can.
By the way...I thought the "Chicken tasted like ass thing was funny:icon_chee
It just reminded me of "what does ass taste like? "Tastes like chicken!":icon_chee
(I guess you had to be there)