FLASHBACK - Pele Landi trashing Anderson Silva


Gold Belt
Aug 17, 2006
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The other thread about fighters who used to be friends made me think of this old classic. This was around the time Anderson was at the peak of his fame, and Pele calls him out for ducking him, being fake, forgetting where he comes from now that he's rich, and so on. I don't know the real backstory to this so I'm hoping someone who views this can fill me in, but the rant is definitely entertaining and includes a hilarious Anderson voice impression.

For those who don't know Jose Pele Landi, he was definitely one of the most violent and brutal guys from the Vale Tudo days, knocked out some OG UFC champs like Matt Hughes and Pat Miletich, and was one of the original Chute Boxe assassins from the late 90's, he was basically what you would expect to get if Anderson and Wanderlei Silva ever had a child.

Him losing to Matsui is still so disappointing.
Interesting never got to watch him in action at all,

Everyone at chute boxe said that Anderson Silva was best fighter in that camp.
Him losing to Matsui is still so disappointing.
Yeah that's definitely a fight he should be winning, but Matsui was one of those Japanese Kamikazes that was too tough for his own good and could take a beating. Pele threw everything but the kitchen sink at him and probably gassed out a bit trying to finish him.
Yeah that's definitely a fight he should be winning, but Matsui was one of those Japanese Kamikazes that was too tough for his own good and could take a beating. Pele threw everything but the kitchen sink at him and probably gassed out a bit trying to finish him.
Took roided out Vitor and Wand to decisions… Marsui did ok in Pride fc also.
Interesting never got to watch him in action at all,

Everyone at chute boxe said that Anderson Silva was best fighter in that camp.
In hindsight it definitely seems that he was.

That said I could also see a scenario where even though he was more talented he was possibly big brothered by Pele in the gym, after all he was a bit older than him, and by the time Anderson went pro, Pele had already been fighting pro for like 5 years. Also these guys are in the favelas, and Pele comes across as a guy that might kill you if you cross him the wrong way, whereas Anderson has more of a professional martial artist persona so I could believe a story where Anderson didn't want any part of the guy.

Mostly seems like Pele being salty because Anderson went out and got riches and glory, while he's only remembered by the most hardcore mma lunatics like me.
Anderson had a stubbornness about him when it came to guys he loved and respected. Any time a guy Anderson was fighting insulted his teammates or had previously defeated them, he would abandon his greatest strength and promise to avenge their loss by submitting them, as if it were a karate movie. Lmao.

He allowed Travis Lutter to get a takedown so he could submit him, because he wanted to avenge Pele's submission loss to Lutter. He also promised the Nogueira Brothers he would submit Chael in their first fight for insulting their black belt.

It's amazing he had the incredible run he had with a mindset like this. He's begged to lose so many times throughout that run and won in spectacular fashion nearly every time. A true testament to his greatness.
iirc, Anderson was always viewed as the Pele 2.0. Or in other words, Pele is the OG of that early Chute Box style. In addition, Pele was kind of tough to deal with (he also came from worst part of flavellas) and this really got to him. The coaches there were better prepared when the Rua brothers started to roll through the ranks. Handling more than one star with an ego is difficult for certain gyms, especially in the early days.
In hindsight it definitely seems that he was.

That said I could also see a scenario where even though he was more talented he was possibly big brothered by Pele in the gym, after all he was a bit older than him, and by the time Anderson went pro, Pele had already been fighting pro for like 5 years. Also these guys are in the favelas, and Pele comes across as a guy that might kill you if you cross him the wrong way, whereas Anderson has more of a professional martial artist persona so I could believe a story where Anderson didn't want any part of the guy.

Mostly seems like Pele being salty because Anderson went out and got riches and glory, while he's only remembered by the most hardcore mma lunatics like me.
That is about how I remember it as well.
S***b***. Anderson as well.
Took roided out Vitor and Wand to decisions… Marsui did ok in Pride fc also.
Not really. He got his ass beat to death all the time.

But he did beat Pele so good for him.