"Five Eyes" Intelligence Group Demand Backdoor Access to Tech Companies

full transparency is only a solution for me if it went for the government as well
Only people that do something wrong would have an issue with that.
I am fine with some dude in Langley seeing my porn history.
This is so terribly ignorant and it is this exact thinking from people so ready to willingly relinquish this once great nation that is truly incomprehensible to me.

But, thanks for your honesty.
Demanding backdoors is retarded, they should be demanding strong security and encryption.
This is so terribly ignorant and it is this exact thinking from people so ready to willingly relinquish this once great nation that is truly incomprehensible to me.

But, thanks for your honesty.

Well, I am just wondering how such a backdoor would negatively affect your life?
While the negative effects of law enforcement unable to access certain devices are evident.
Well, I am just wondering how such a backdoor would negatively affect your life?
While the negative effects of law enforcement unable to access certain devices are evident.
How would it negatively impact your life if government agents just went through your desk drawers when you weren't home?

I can't think of anything either
How would it negatively impact your life if government agents just went through your desk drawers when you weren't home?

I can't think of anything either

There are no terrorists communicating inside my desk drawers.
Privacy is its own reward. Freedom is not synonymous with the government being able to watch every area of your life, personal or otherwise.

To suggest the otherwise is the pathway to authoritarianism, clear and simple.

3. Freedom of choice for lawful access solutions

The Governments of the Five Eyes encourage information and communications technology service providers to voluntarily establish lawful access solutions to their products and services that they create or operate in our countries. Governments should not favor a particular technology; instead, providers may create customized solutions, tailored to their individual system architectures that are capable of meeting lawful access requirements. Such solutions can be a constructive approach to current challenges.

Should governments continue to encounter impediments to lawful access to information necessary to aid the protection of the citizens of our countries, we may pursue technological, enforcement, legislative or other measures to achieve lawful access solutions.

Do it voluntarily or we will force you!!!!1!!
No, I have no problem with that invasion of privacy. I think it is worth giving that up to fight crime and terrorism.
Nothing changes in my life if the government collects my data.
I don't mind there being ways for governments to gain access to data if there is a specific (hell, even broad) need, for some reason. Just make a record of the fucking reason and make it available for review and challenge. That's not asking too much.
Honestly these days I trust the government not to abuse my data faaaaaar more than any of the tech giants.