First workout in preparation for competition

So it's only bench and deadlift? No squat?
So it's only bench and deadlift? No squat?

Yeah, crazy I know. It's called "Too Hot 2 Squat". All ridiculous-ness aside, it should benefit me because my squat is much weaker than my deadlift.
I would set up a 3 day split like this:

Day One: Press
Bench Press
Board Presses/CG Bench
OH Press/Push Press
Weighted Dips

Day Two: Squat
Front Squat
High Pulls

Day Three: Pull
Deads/Deadlift variation
Chins/Pull ups

You could possibly add some cleans into that pull or squat day if you wanted to, since I figure you might want to include then from the title of your log ;)
I would set up a 3 day split like this:

Day One: Press
Bench Press
Board Presses/CG Bench
OH Press/Push Press
Weighted Dips

Day Two: Squat
Front Squat
High Pulls

Day Three: Pull
Deads/Deadlift variation
Chins/Pull ups

You could possibly add some cleans into that pull or squat day if you wanted to, since I figure you might want to include then from the title of your log ;)

Thanks, that's not too far removed from what I had already planned on doing.

What I'm currently planning is a three-day split along these lines:

Day one--bench

Bench (following kennelly's program)
Pin Press (no boards at my gym)
Assistance work (skullcrushers, lateral raises, DB press, etc. I think I'll choose two of these each workout)
I also threw in a few light jerks here just to work on form.

Day two--Pull

Alternating weeks of either Deads or Cleans (deads every week fries me)
Rack pulls on deadlift days (need lockout work, strong off the floor), or high-pulls on clean days
teh Curlz
Probably work on snatches too on the clean day

Day three--Squat

Alternating weeks between PL-style box squat and Oly ATG squats
Might do plyo complexes with the squats if I feel up to it
Goodmornings on PL days, overhead and front squats on Oly days
Unilateral leg work (weighted pistols, step-ups, split squats, reverse lunges, etc. Probably only pick one of these each week to do)
Bench (I'm going to bench 2x a week for the first two weeks while the bench work is still light, because I have to compress the program a bit due to time constraints)

Before this I've been doing kind of a modified Westside template, that I changed to incorporate a lot more olympic lifting. I didn't used to bench much, I did much more overhead lifting and dips, but I'm going to focus a lot on the benching for this.
Nice. I just think FS's would be more beneficial because the quads come into play a lot with deadlifts. I don't sugges deadliftting heavy every week though, I like to mix it up with snatch grip deads, defecit pulls, and DE deads. Another thing I meant to put in on your squat day was GHR's as well.
Nice. I just think FS's would be more beneficial because the quads come into play a lot with deadlifts. I don't sugges deadliftting heavy every week though, I like to mix it up with snatch grip deads, defecit pulls, and DE deads. Another thing I meant to put in on your squat day was GHR's as well.

Yeah, I've done a lot of defecit and snatch grip deads in the past, but I don't think I'll be doing them much this time. I'm really strong off the floor, what I need to work on is my lockout, and especially that point just where the bar breaks past the knees. I'm going to be doing a lot of rack pulls/lockouts and whatnot to try and remedy that...I hadn't done rack pulls (or any partials really) at all previously, but I tried them last week and I think they'll help me a lot. There's something to be said about just getting a feel for a real heavy weight, heavier than you could do for a full range of motion.

I'd love to do GHRs, but there isn't a good place to do them at my gym. The closest thing I've got is hyperextensions, which I'll probably end up doing here and there as well.