First time with GI


Uwe Boll fan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Like some of you remember i already had 2 no gi tournaments and i did good in the first and not so good in the second. Do you have any tips again for me. This tournament means alot for me because it will be my last one for quite some time.
I'm a no gi guy, too. I had a hard time in gi comp, so I'd rather not put so much stress in it.
The way i look at it is.. You take a good guy in Gi and put him in a no gi comp and he will still do well.

Take a guy who is only good in nogi and put him in a gi comp.. he gets is ass kicked.

Good luck man, just train as much as you can with the gi before... other then that there really isnt much.
While I will admit that a no-gi guy in a gi competition has more ways to screw up, it's nowhere near as absolute as you make it sound. A gi guy that hasn't trained no-gi is very likely to end up as meat (reverse is true as well).

If you haven't trained gi there's a few things that you can do. Obviously these will be more successful against white belts (it's rare to find a white with a good lapel choke game; they're usually blue by the time they get that worked out):
1) don't take grips...hold your opponent just like you're in no-gi
2) don't attempt lapel chokes
3) high pressure, high pace
4) escape via position not attempting to slip
TheHighlander said:
While I will admit that a no-gi guy in a gi competition has more ways to screw up, it's nowhere near as absolute as you make it sound. A gi guy that hasn't trained no-gi is very likely to end up as meat (reverse is true as well).

If you haven't trained gi there's a few things that you can do. Obviously these will be more successful against white belts (it's rare to find a white with a good lapel choke game; they're usually blue by the time they get that worked out):
1) don't take grips...hold your opponent just like you're in no-gi
2) don't attempt lapel chokes
3) high pressure, high pace
4) escape via position not attempting to slip
your right i did make it sound more 1 sided than it is..
There are a LOT of gi chokes. Make sure you are well versed in how to watch out for them. You may think someone is just reaching for your collar to get gripped, then all of the sudden you can't breathe.
Im usually training with GI but my anti gi-choke game is poor. Thanks guy you helped me.