first aid kits


Orange Belt
Aug 15, 2007
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Do any of you carry a first aid kit with you or do you depend on your gym to supply that for you? I like to be prepared and have aquired alot of different things in mine.

tape, ace bandages, cold packs, bandaids, neosporin, iodine, guaze, eye drops and even splints of various sizes

What do you think should be in a fully stocked BJJ first aid kit?
I keep a quick ice pack in my bag, along with Staphiseptic (ointment for cuts and whatnot that kills MRSA and staph, among other things). I also have butterfly closures, Advil, and a squirt bottle of liquid bandage. Oh, and an Ace bandage and some alcohol swabs.
Males don't think ahead. We're lucky if we remember our gi, rashguard, and belt.
Males don't think ahead. We're lucky if we remember our gi, rashguard, and belt.

I've noticed. :) When ever some one gets hurt at my school they know who to come to. I've been adding things as new injuries come into my life.

I got motrin, laytex gloves, butterfly bandaids (from when I split my eyebrow open,) thumb splints (from the last two times i sprained it)...

It's a handy place to keep my mouth guard, ankle sleeves, knee pads ect...

I guess my thinking is that if I have it with me I won't need it.
A bottle of whiskey, a bottle of aspirin, and one bandaid.