fingertip pushups


White Belt
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
i was reading the mastery of hand strength and john said fingertip pushups helps strengthen them, contrary to what i heard from ppl and this board. im guessing they can be bad if you do with bad form?
I don't know, but I could never do them.

My fingers bend too far back, so I could never support my weight on them.
I would not advise them if you have a low strength to weight ratio.

I also don't think they are the most efficent way to get your hands strong, but they look impressive and that's all that counts right?
yea i guess, after all bruce lee did em with two has too be good then!
he did them on his index finger and thumb of each hand, that's cheating. Shit, anyone who trains at it can do them on their thumbs alone. Anyways, there are better ways to develop hand strength. Are fingertip pushups bad for you? no, I wouldn't go that far.
anyone can do one handeds with two fingers?

i wouldnt say pushups on fingers help a lot with hand strength, i did pushups on just my thumbs a few times but all it did was hurt like shit.
Urban said:
he did them on his index finger and thumb of each hand, that's cheating. Shit, anyone who trains at it can do them on their thumbs alone. Anyways, there are better ways to develop hand strength. Are fingertip pushups bad for you? no, I wouldn't go that far.

i know they aint the best way to go, im reading brookfields book after all. but i was just curious since many ppl said doing finger pushups can hurt your fingers in the long run.
One of my friends was taught to do them when he first started traninig in martial arts, doing karate, and he says they gave him massive hand problems. I've also had a couple of physios advise that they are a really bad idea. There are much better ways to get your hands strong and most of them are less likely to destroy your joints.
cockysprinter said:
all it did was hurt like shit.

Thats it!
Do them for show but i wouldnt train them regulary.
I'd listen to John Brookfield before a bunch of kids on a message board.
niagareven said:
I'd listen to John Brookfield before a bunch of kids on a message board.
Then you'd know he prefers KB's and Blockweights, levering, grippers, sledgehammer work, and an assortment of other exercises over fingertip pushups then. Good, just making sure.
do tiger claws and really tense your fingers,man this hurts so much and it actually builds up muscle on your fingers
joshdsbrgh said:
do tiger claws and really tense your fingers,man this hurts so much and it actually builds up muscle on your fingers
There are no muscles on your fingers.
Urban said:
Then you'd know he prefers KB's and Blockweights, levering, grippers, sledgehammer work, and an assortment of other exercises over fingertip pushups then. Good, just making sure.

Of course. I was talking about the "bad for your fingers" part.
if you want to fry your forearms try doing tuck planches with your palms off the ground.
cockysprinter said:
if you want to fry your forearms try doing tuck planches with your palms off the ground.

haha im working on the tuck planche right now. once i master that ill give it a shot.
'There are no muscles on your fingers'

must be why i can't move my fingers
Evil Eye Gouger said:
There are no muscles on your fingers.

#1can said:
nah um he's right. there are no muscles in your fingers.
the muscles that move your fingers are mostly in your forearm, also in your hand. notice how when you "flex your fingers" they don't get "hard." Only tendons in there.


there are a lot of muscles in the fingers. a lot of them do originate from the forearm, but they still have muscle tissue on the hand.
and there are muscles that are intrinsic to the hand as well (they originate and insert on the hand). for example, on the URL you posted, the palmar interossei which are responsible for pulling the fingers together, and dorsal interossei which are responsible for spreading the fingers apart.
There are tendons in your fingers, or the fingers wouldn't move. But the muscles are mostly in the forearm and partly in the hand.

Not in the fingers themselves. You can't flex your finger.