Finally I can plan out my routine - suggestions?



(Background info)
I am a wrestler. I just got done training for a competition, finished the competition, am now having a few days off doing absolutely nothing, then it's back into hard training.

I'm 180cm and 72kgs or so, wrestling in 74kg division (I've been wrestling underweight). I want to be around 76-77kgs and cut down to 74 for nationals.

And so

For a long time I've fit weights sessions in where I could, once or twice a week, very low volume, and also they were generally after wrestling training plus work, so I was already tired before I began. Basically my lifting has suffered greatly.

I now have nothing until nationals (wrestling) next March and that's what I'm working towards. I've worked out my schedule so that I have wednesday and sunday without wrestling training or conditioning, my only training on those days is for strength. On the wednesday, I work but it's only a semi physical job, nothing exhausting.


In short, I want to get as strong as possible for wrestling between now and March, as well as increasing lean muscle, I want to go from current ~72kgs to 76-77kgs so I can cut to wrestle in 74kg division. I have 2 days a week to do weights where I will be fairly fresh. I am thinking I'll go with two full body workouts.

Starting with say

Squat/Front squat
Inc. DB press/Shoulder press/Push press?
BB row/Seated row
Obliques/rotational core work

And start with very basic 3x8, eat a lot, and try to put on some weight.

This would just be for 4-6 weeks, increasing the weight as I feel that I can, to get my base level of strength up. After that I would go with a similar exercise template, but drop the reps and increase weight for another 4-6 weeks, up until the xmas break. Then in the new year I could change it up and do some explosive training with cleans or DB snatch, or whatever.

This is very basic, and I have to say my periodisation knowledge is extremely limited, which is why any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
maybe get your push and pull movements for the day on the same plane. put chins with any overhead pressing and rows (i like bent rows better than seated) with bench.

also, situps are a mediocre ab exercise for strength too. and youre a wrestler so you can probably do 100 easily.

no extra grip work? you're a grappler!!!

maybe incline press would be a good thing to switch in for bench every other week as its more *cringe* sport specific.

edit: your routine looks pretty good, which is why no one is critquing it. carnal made up a 4 times a week fullbody routine for urban that looked really good, check it out. it was for improving overhead press, so some modifications might be needed for your goals.
It is also hard for a nonwrestler to know what a wrestler should work on. I know that I am aware of a lot of specific movements that I learned through the years, which are geared towards improving the things I do. I'm sure a wrestler would have specific movements for his sport.

I've done a lot of BJJ and it is hard to really say one specific movement aided me. I'd say grip work is vital as well as cardio, but I'm sure you already know this..
Sorry, should have mentioned yes I will be doing grip work on the two days. At this point I'm thinking levering, and I also want to build a rolling-thunder-ish thing.

As for situps being mediocre and 100 being easy, I meant weighted situps. Still though, they are hard to add enough resistance to, without the limiting factor becoming holding the weight, not my ab strength. I think I will replace with ab rollouts, they seem harder plus much more specific to positions you find yourself in wrestling

Any thoughts on exercise choice, in terms of shoulder press or push press or just incline DB press?
Ditto for BB row vs. DB row?
Or any sort of plan for rotating them, i.e. how often to rotate?

And what sets/reps to use and for how long? Considering I've been doing weights sporadically and poorly lately, so first I want to build up my base strength again and put on a few kgs of muscle, then peak strength, then maybe more specific explosiveness. This between now and March...
johnnydussimo said:
Sorry, should have mentioned yes I will be doing grip work on the two days. At this point I'm thinking levering, and I also want to build a rolling-thunder-ish thing.

As for situps being mediocre and 100 being easy, I meant weighted situps. Still though, they are hard to add enough resistance to, without the limiting factor becoming holding the weight, not my ab strength. I think I will replace with ab rollouts, they seem harder plus much more specific to positions you find yourself in wrestling

Any thoughts on exercise choice, in terms of shoulder press or push press or just incline DB press?
Ditto for BB row vs. DB row?
Or any sort of plan for rotating them, i.e. how often to rotate?

And what sets/reps to use and for how long? Considering I've been doing weights sporadically and poorly lately, so first I want to build up my base strength again and put on a few kgs of muscle, then peak strength, then maybe more specific explosiveness. This between now and March...

try one of those big rubber ball things, tried situps on those and there alot harder than normal sit ups, havent tried weighted sit ups with one of those, thinking about making the
Haha thankyou

I'm pimping this thread hardcore, but I want as much advice as possible so that I can use my time more efficiently
Johnny, you've got my attention here, but I'd like to answer when I'm a bit more sober.
well after that experience i just had i would say just keep it complex short and simple.
Day One:
Deadlift 1-5X1-3
Bench Press 3-5X3-5
Chins-Whatever reps you like
Front Squats 4X6-8
Some kind of volume tricep work

Day Two:
Squat 3-4X3-5
Standing Overhead press 10X2 3X1
BB Rows 3-5X3-5
Bent Press 5X3
SLDL, RDL, Narrow Stance GM 3-4X6-10

Abs/grip whenever
nice lookin routine. im going to try this out too.

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