Maybe I'd take you more seriously
It doesn't matter how seriously you take anyone.
The credibility of your posts crumble under the lightest of scrutiny.
if you actually posted these scientific publications instead of "reality checking" via tweets from some dumbass and an article by "The Daily Signal". A right wing propaganda journal by the Heritage Foundation
If you want to handwave away it just because its related to the Heritage Foundation, I can do the same for MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and others because they're not independently owned and opperated for the sole purpose of informing the public... they're propaganda wings of multi-lateral international corporations with ties to not only out government but many others who benefit and profit with the expansion of government.
So what now? Do you really think what they choose to inform you, and what they chose to NOT inform you, is to your benefit... or theirs?
Whatever credibility you had on the matter, gone... non-existent. Joke of a human
I want to public school in the 90s and was force-feed Global Warming propaganda and had to watch every episode of Captain Planet... and I was a true believer for a time.
Then all of their predictions scientists made for the next 5 and 10 years ended up being bullshit. There were no holes in the O-Zone layer, no South & North Poles melting causing the sea levels to rise dozens of feet, no global tempatures rising 10 to 20 degrees.
Back then 30 square miles of rain forests were being cut down every day, and 30 years later it looks like theres plenty of rain forrests around.
There hasn't been any world-ending event that was the equivelent of nuclear war because we didn't stop SUVs... and now climate change zealots are claiming cow farts are having an effect on the atmosphere.
At some point I figured after all those failed predictions, and they're now conveniently making predictions 50-100 years from now which none will remember them, and they'll be long dead anyway... at what point are people like you going to figure out you've been had.
You've been played.
You've been fooled.
You've been lied to, you believed it, and you still do.
So, go ahead.
In how many years, after we don't do what Gretta Thunberg says, and the climate continues to change, and nothing significant happens that cannot be contrubuted to normal weather and planetary cycles are you going to realize you've been suckered?
5 years?
10 years?
15 years?
50 years?
Are you saving for retirement?
Do you think OAC is?