

White Belt
Jul 22, 2007
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So to supplement my lifting I either do HITT or play basketball ball on the off days, often even playing basketball on the lifting days. But the point is, after a week of running/basketball my feet look like this but worse. Today the balls of my feet hurt when I walk ultimately hurting my running/basketball performance (if I can even play). It's not the shoes because I've worn everything and the same results. So my question to the conditioning forum: Do you do anything specifically to prevent these bad blisters from happening (special socks, remedies, etc..)? Also would it be a prudent decision to cut the dead skin off the effected areas?
Thank you..

(I'm not looking for treatment of blisters, but ideas to PREVENT them.)
fuck man you could have warned us about the closeup of your jacked up feet. for fucks sake i was eating a pizza when i opened this thread
lol Well the title does say feet..... and all they are is feet. :icon_chee Not mine either.
There some nasty ass feet. put like some med tape or plasters across the bottom might help stop the rubbing that causes that.
If your feet look worse than that I think you are doing something wrong.

I skip rope and run every day and don't have blisters taking up over half my foot. I haven't had a blister in a long time.
You have tried different shoes? are they the right size? not too big? do you have them loose or are they tight? how often do you change your socks? do you use good athletic socks?

For blisters i usually drain them, then leave the skin on untill the skin under toughens up, then remove the dead stuff.
This has happened to my feet in soccer cleats, various running shoes, tons of basketball shoes, and pretty much whenever I do something athletic with intensity.
All of shoes are the right size and tightly tied, but not to the point of losing circulation.
My socks? Everyday or more depending on if I work out.
Athletic socks. Never tried them, besides some longer basketball socks or soccer socks. Could you recommend me a pair? Are you just talking about moisture wicking socks like those under armour sells?

Haha I don't know what I could be doing wrong! I've been playing sports my whole life and this started happening in high school. I first thought it was the shoes, but apparently after four and a half years of experiencing the same thing, I guess not!
Yeah man YOUR doing SOMEthing wrong. Dont get me wrong i've had some nasty blisters and kept running but it's usually because of a new set of sneakers or running in boots in the sand (military crap) and things like that. You shouldn't end up with that from just running and playing basketball though. I've played some long drawn out days of b-ball and ended up with like MAYBE a little blister here or there.
Maybe you're wearing the wrong socks or something? Maybe it's simply the way you're running? Do you have problems running?
Have you ever just taken enough time off to let your feet heal themselves properly?
They should like get hard and calices (sp/c) that would prevent the blisters from coming back. You should take care of those too though like filing them down and crap so you dont get blisters under the calices because that sucks too.
No I don't have problems running lol (I think I'm normal!). Like I've said, I've played competitive sports my whole life and been quite good. It's not like I'm a goofy runner or uncoordinated person.
The only thing I can think of that might cause this is when I cut quickly playing b-ball or soccer. But on the other hand, this happens when I simply run everyday for a week or so. After this happens I'm out of commission for a few days (sports wise) because my feet hurt to run on.
I can only see it now... someone is going to say, "post a video of you running." haha
Well honestly im at a loss haha no dont post the video. The only thing that would probably do the trick is get a running coach for few days and see what he thinks.
I know a guy who hired a running coach to live with him for a month from Australia, granted he was a very good runner already but just a thought. I'm sure a local gym might have a running coach that could do the trick, maybe?! Just a thought
Meh, I'll probably just end up running through it like I have always had. Oh well. Thanks for the help y'all.
Do you have naturally sweaty feet? Same thing happens to me even though everythings tied up nicely and doesn't slip but my feet are always moist so they end up blistering up like that... what helped me a lot was athletic socks that i bought from dicks, dont remember the name but they were 'moisture absorbing' type socks.
if its sweaty feet that are the problem, powder them bitches before hand i guess.
Yes I'm going to purchase some athletic socks tomorrow! We will see.. we will see...
Hopefully it works for you man... and if not i'd also suggest the powder as i've used it too and works just as well. But socks will be the easier option if they work.
Duct tape. Lots of hikers use it to prevent blisters. Good thing is, it's cheap. However, some people have allergic reactions to it.