Feeling of fatigue during a fight?


Aug 20, 2004
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Gets some feedback on your experiences while fighting or sparring about being fatigue, like for me was heart was jamming, muscles dont work no more, freaking weird they cant move.
I always feel like i going to be sick when i really fatigued.

BTW i usally seem to get that sort of heart jamming you are on about the best thing i have found to do is to work through it and i should disapear.
pacifics1984 said:
I always feel like i going to be sick when i really fatigued.

BTW i usally seem to get that sort of heart jamming you are on about the best thing i have found to do is to work through it and i should disapear.

yeh me too, and i want to throw up.. mostley water.. i'm jsut a fatass though, and am working on that.
It would pretty much rock if you never felt fatigue during a fight. Going on like an energizer bunny.
when i do hitt i get bad chest pains, very sharp and my heartrate stays elevated for at least 20 minutes after I finish sprinting??????
I never feel like I am going to vomit from sparring. When I am really really fatigued from going all out in judo or wrestling, I get feeling a bit light headed, my heart pounding pretty fast (but I have decent recovery afterwards), and my muscles get tired and sluggish after a bit. If I keep going long enough I start to get disoriented and confused (blood to my head sort of thing). I cannot remember my muscles jamming, but they feel slower and I feel heavier when I ahve been going hard for a while.

Running fatigue is back pain in the ribs region, dificulty breathing sometimes, sometimes a pain in my side if I have not run in a while (when I am in shape it doesn't happen), knee pain. Legs get tired if I push too hard for too long, but they are usually the last to start feeling it.

Swimming, the fatigue is felt by not getting enough air or my muscles are so tired I am not able to continue the stroke properly. It is that wierd sort of jamming I think you are refering to thread starter, like they just won't repond anymore after a certain point, but I ahve only had this in swimming after sprinting at top speed for a while.
last time I walked to the ring smoking a joint,,,i was arrested after the fight. but I wasn't scared.
last time I walked to the ring smoking a joint,,,i was arrested after the fight. but I wasn't scared.

Heheh, that's badass.
last time I walked to the ring smoking a joint,,,i was arrested after the fight. but I wasn't scared.

I am a bit confused about that post? Ar eyou saying you weren't scared before the fight because you were smoking weed or that you ween0't scared afterwards when they arrested you?
Feeling extremely hot, seems like no water in my system, gasping for air, and still trying to battle your opponent, well when people feel that experience, then they know that fighting isn't that fun, and im not talking about fight a novice on the street which people who train would kick there ass, but in a mma class with proven students who are skilled, but I hate being so fatigue that my body is dead for the next few days, but i keep going back, because i love the sport, so unpredictable.
I feel might heart rate skyrocket when they call my name. My legs feel weak and I can't hear very well. This must be my adrenaline glands dumping in. During the third round is when I begin to feel real fatigue, have trouble breating and my shoulders get tired. After a fight I feel "high" and I have trouble getting calm.
It depends on your level---who you are sparring how hard they will go and how long you will do it

I have done several 12 round sparring sessions in boxing, and kickboxing shifting partners---in grappling I have done an hour an half straight with diffeerent people---it was easeir in grappling because the gettin hurt and resting was much easier to control

But I also ahve those feelings like I am going to puke---that is blood ph change---my heart rate doesn't go that through the roof lke it used to
Crazyhorsebeer said:
Gets some feedback on your experiences while fighting or sparring about being fatigue, like for me was heart was jamming, muscles dont work no more, freaking weird they cant move.
mine is similar, sparring in boxing when your goin all out is freakin hard, gasping for air sweatin my ass off, heart pounding and arms and shoulders ge theavy, legs slow and get tired.
Then more I do it, you get used to it, you get your second wind and can keep going at a good pace.
Being stunned when sparring is a whole other story, your dizzy and have loss of cordiantion and little strength.
Just be like frank shamrock and lick sweat off your oppenent to rehydrate you?!
That's because of acid build-up in your muscles. Eat more leafy greens. Check out Ryan Parson's Alkaline diet; the diet made famous by "the natural."

Just don't sacrafice your protein...eat a lot of salmon!
i would sometimes have my vision shut down, not kidding. rolling.... the room would get darker and darker until i codulnt see, i kept rolling and it went away after a minute. going until you puke is the best way to raise your endurance. just dont puke in the dojo, remember to breathe deeply.
I have felt a little weak during sparring/fights. It's kind of like the jitters I suppose. It usually goes away after I hit my oponent a couple of times and get settled.